Udir-nir Settlement in Dali'en | World Anvil
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Udir-nir (udir-nir)

It originally got its name from the black Stone that grows here, nowadays it's mostly known for being an agricultural and military town.


Mixed. It's mostly known as the last bastion of the Church of the Golden Hammer.




The town is a series of smaller districts connected together through bridges.

Guilds and Factions


It used to be Mantarhold's most devoted town, which became part of Elkinhold after Mantarhold fell. It used to be the last bastion of the Church of the Golden Hammer and a source of rebellions, before it finally shifted to follow the official religion too.   It became tradition to elect the previous Ruler's most loyal Knight to be the next Ruler during the time it was part of Elkinhold. A magical barrier used to surround the town too, protecting it from outside sources of magic, which has been functioning ever since the rebellion of Magus up until its been taken over during The First Hunt, when it got taken over by Gau Dwarovar.

Points of interest

Founding Date
-4211 AoE
Location under
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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