Golden Hammer Monks Organization in Dali'en | World Anvil
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Golden Hammer Monks

The Golden Hammer Monks is a monastic order within the Caverns of Dwarovar, that follows the Church of the Golden Hammer, and teaches mainly the Way of the Hammer. They also teach the Way of the Open Hand, Way of the Four Elements, and Way of the Drunken Master.


They spend most of their days in the Monastery of the Golden Hammer, and follow rigorous training regiments. Even though officially there is no leader, they follow the most powerful and experienced practicer of their art - in order to become as strong as them.

Public Agenda

They want to cultivate power to stand ready to defend others alongside "The Golden Hammer" in case the end of the world comes, as prophesized in the Church of the Golden Hammer.


They do not cause trouble or noise, so Udir-nir allows them to practice their beliefs quietly, even though it's against the official religion.
Founding Date
After the fall of Mantarhold
Religious, Monastic Order
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Notable Members

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