League of the Coast Organization in Dali'en | World Anvil
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League of the Coast

League of the Coast is a republic formed by the six most influential Merchant families of the Crescent Bay.  


Lead by the heads of the six most influential Merchant guilds of Crescent Bay, the League of the Coast offers special care towards competing Merchant guilds. They are a much more economy-focused nation than the others, and their Commander has the primarily role of a navy admiral.   ORGANIZATION CHART NOT AVAILABLE


The nation has no official religion, and doesn't put much focus on worship. Those that do often worship some sort of sea or wealth deity.

Foreign Relations

Their primary goal is profit and the unification of trade routes. In order to achieve this they form economical alliances across the coastline.   Diplomacy Diagram not available

United for prosperity, guided by the six

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Age of Ruanon

  • 1181 AoR

    Ruanon legitimizes the merchant guilds of Crescent Bay and signs a trade alliance with them
    Political event
    Crescent Bay
    Additional timelines
  • 1212 AoR

    The six most influential guilds of Crescent Bay unite into the League of the Coast
    Political event

    We sign our agreement not due to common understanding between our guilds, but due to our respect for Ruanon. Our banner should always carry their likeness, and we will combine our efforts in order to achieve the dream.
    — The six guilds form the league

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  • 1215 AoR

    The League proclaims Cloud's Landing as one of its three capitals
    Political event
  • 1215 AoR

    The League proclaims Serpent's Landing as one of its three capitals
    Political event
  • 1215 AoR

    The League proclaims Seeker's Landing as one of its three capitals
    Political event
  • 1269 AoR

    Dreamwalk enters into a trade alliance with the League of the Coast
    Political event
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  • 1399 AoR

    The League of the Coast signs a trade agreement with the Golden Lands
    Financial Event
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  • 1580 AoR

    Qhravas enters into a trade agreement with the League of the Coast
    Financial Event

    They have excellent craftsmen, in excellent shape to work heavy equipment. We would be fools not to trade with them. I know at least fifteen settlements right now that would be willing to open the coffers for such quality.
    — Unknown merchant of the league

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  • 1676 AoR

    The League of the Coast enters into a trade alliance with Tamwind
    Political event
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  • 1685 AoR

    League of the Coast sinks the fleet of the problematic Thrice Republic
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  • 1748 AoR

    5 Cepleg
    1748 AoR

    22 Cepleg

    Gang war of Cloud's Landing
    Criminal Activity

    What are the guards even doing? Ships are getting blown up, houses are being burned, and these thugs are fighting right outside our windows! We require immediate military intervention!
    — A concerned noble's letter to Seeker's Landing

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  • 1748 AoR

    20 Cepleg
    1748 AoR

    23 Cepleg

    The Black Tears of Cloud's Landing
    Disaster / Destruction

    Black rain fell and brought forth disaster. Most of the population either turned into these abominations or died to them [...]... our leader was gone. [...] The only thing that kept my spirits was a beautiful song coming from the castle. [...] That voice was my last hope...
    — Unknown

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