Western Heartlands Geographic Location in D&D Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Western Heartlands

The Western Heartlands (originally "Hartlands" for the abundance of deer) was a region located in the western portion of Faerûn. It stretched from The Sword Coast region at water's edge of The Sea of Swords in the west, to the Storm Horn Mountains in the east. The region extended north until the Lizard Marsh of the Delimbiyr Vale, including the High Moor to the northeast, and went as far south to the Lands of Intrigue of Amn, Tethyr and Calimshan.

Between the "miles and miles of miles and miles" of rolling hills, grassy flatlands, impassable marshes and monster-filled forests the region was dotted with isolated villages and hamlets, trading stops and lonely castles.

For centuries, the western heartlands had never been to home to a unified kingdom. The separate but amenable towns along the Trade Way and Uldoon Trail existing in relative peace and reservation from one another. This dynamic changed after the Tormish clerics and paladins of Elturel united the surrounding towns and villages into the Kingdom of Two Suns, Elturgard.

Over the next century the serpentfolk kingdom of Najara, grew in influence and power, with the yuan-ti and lizardfolk of the Serpent Hills and Forest of Wyrms uniting under the rule of King Jarant in the Year of the Fourth Circle, 1474 DR.


Aside from the Savage Frontier to the northwest, the Backlands were considered the largest swath of wild, untamed frontier land in the western realms of Faerûn. It was infested with goblinoid raiders, malevolent beasts from the nearby Marsh of Chelimber and horrors from beyond Toril. While dangers could be found among the old ruins of ancient Netheril, the presence of a an unusual number of gates was postulated by sages as the cause of the region's exorbitant number of monstrous beasts

The nation of Elturgard was formed from a collection of devout followers of Torm, along with other goodly deities, that held onto their shared vision of a holy land in the western Realms. It was considered one of the safest havens in the Heartlands, as well as an example of the true greatness that could be achieved by humankind.

Despite its vast expanse, the Kingdom of Serpents, comprised of nagas, yuan-ti, lizardfolk and other scalykind, existed merely as rumors and hushed warnings to the other denizens of the Western Heartlands. In the late 15th century DR, King Jarant sent yuan-ti ambassadors to neighboring kingdoms and city-states with a clear message that declared their sovereignty and dictated the terms of their diplomatic relations.

The Sword Coast
The Sword Coast was a land of powerful city-states,[34] that attracted people from diverse backgrounds, interspersed among stretches of perilous wilderness.
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