Neverwinter Wood Geographic Location in D&D Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Neverwinter Wood

The Neverwinter Wood, previously called Llewyrrwood by the elves of Illefarn,[2] was dense forest located in the North. It possessed a sense of magic within it.


The western region of the Neverwinter Wood was known as the Watcher's Forest, so named for its sacredness amongst the Helmite priests of the region. It was tended to by his devout followers that lived in Helm's Hold, and even held an entranceway into the subterranean Crypts of the Vigilant Eye. The Neverwinter River ran through an area of the forests. Notable hills and mountains within included Berun's Hill and the Crags, within which lay the famous Mount Hotenow .


This forest was originally called Llewyrrwood by the elves of the region, and it came to be a colony for those fair folk of Illefarn. When Aryvandaar annexed both Illefarn and the Llewyrrwood in −9900 DR, many of the residents fled to Shantel Othreier. Some stayed for a century, living under the yoke of the Vyshantaar until the queen of the Llewyrr, Synnoria, led a large force of her people out of their lands and across the Trackless Sea to the Moonshae Isles, where they established the kingdom of Synnoria in her honor.

The Llewyrrwood was occupied once more when the realm of Illefarn was reformed. Circa −1100 DR, the last Coronal of Illefarn, Syglaeth Audark, decided to take his people to Evermeet.

Again, some chose to remain in the Llewyrrwood, and formed the realm of Iliyanbruen. The elven realm of Illiyanbruen persisted until 177 DR when the last of its moon elves traveled to Evermeet and Ardeep in Faerûn, or left for the Feywild to form the colony of New Sharandar.

As of 1374 DR, elves still lived in the wood, though they made up one of the largest cells of the Eldreth Veluuthra, with other smaller cells operating in the surrounding area.

After the Spellplague of 1385 DR, Neverwinter Wood experienced a mass migration of fey from the Feywild. Elves and eladrin were also drawn to the woods in large numbers and they attempted to re-found Iliyanbruen near the ruins of Old Sharandar. Though they had to defeat a force of dark fey to reclaim their ancestral home, they quickly went about establishing the military outpost of New Sharandar, around the Fey Crossing connected to the greater settlement of the same name in Feywild.
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