The Wasteland Geographic Location in Curse-Eaters | World Anvil
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The Wasteland

The world outside Nova City and the few other habitable settlements is referred to as the Wasteland. It's the majority of Earth, actually. Or what's left of it after the Cataclysm.


Earth, but reformed. During the Cataclysm , Tobias used his gift to change mountains and rivers. He also started nuclear war, and bombs destroyed former major cities. Earth's geography has been torn apart, blown up, and scarred. New canyons have been created, forests have been uprooted, and some mountains have been torn down to leave behind massive fields of rubble. Some rare locations still have flat grasslands.


NovaCorp claims that nuclear fallout still makes several places radioactive to this day, so not many people venture out to explore, except for the nomads who roam around outside to avoid NovaCorp's cities. According to the nomads, curses live beside wild animals and overgrown nature. Some even say they found mutated plants and animals around places with lots of rifts. NovaCorp is investigating these claims.

Localized Phenomena

The nomads say rifts make weather worse. There are only a few rifts in Nova City, so we don't get it as bad as the Wasteland. Rifts tend to create fields of distorted gravity, and with a bunch of them together, it amplifies the distortion, which can make it rain upside-down and trap wind storms in one spot for days. Honestly, it sounds cool to see.


I'm told humans used to live all over Earth. There were cities, towns, farms, and people everywhere. But after the Cataclysm, we lost so many people and so much good land that people now live in very few cities, in the best locations we could find out of the wasteland that's left.


Only NovaCorp is wealthy enough to travel with vehicles, and only nomads are crafty enough to travel without, so the Wasteland isn't exactly a vacation spot. Most people just stay in their cities.
Alternative Name(s)
The Old World


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