Lawrence Edgar Character in Cresteria | World Anvil
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Lawrence Edgar

Lord Lawrence Edgar, Of Heatherdale (a.k.a. Fenrir)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Fenrir is in an interesting condition... He is very fit with a great stamina and sprinting speed, such is the result of being raised by wolves. Fenrir is extremely thin however, being rather malnourished until recently.  Not to mention his mother was of similar physique.

Facial Features

A medium sized scar across his left eye. A tall head, sharp nose and observant eyes.  His ears, when they are seen beneath his hair, are perked up.

Special abilities

Fenrir is a powerful Druid, and thus has the ability to change into both elemental and animal forms.   Fenrir's spirit is that of a human and a wolf... To be more specific, the wolf spirit is Fenrir, the still born son of the Alpha Aethelwulf. Alfred granted Fenrir a new life in the form of the boy, and the rest is as they say, history.   This gives him some characteristics attributed to that of werewolves.  Heightened senses in hearing, smell and eyesight.  He does have increased strength, compared to humans his age, though his general physique limits this to being too huge.

Specialized Equipment

Fenrir has a tall wooden staff, atop it a green crystalline gem held on by intertwined wooden branches.   The Tempestuous Fury is Fenrir's personal blade, forged for him specifically.  The scimitar he picked up was just the average weapon, but when Fenrir attuned to it, it was granted special abilities in line with those magically forged by his human father, Micheal Edgar, the famed Paladin.

Mental characteristics


Fenrir had no formal education.  Instead, he had wolves.


His only employment, if it could be called that, is as a Druid of the Order. He also holds the title of "Lord of Heatherdale."

Accomplishments & Achievements

Fenrir has become an extremely powerful Druid.  He has become a legendary figure in the Knights of Braveheart and has successfully found the lost druids. Unfortunately, the Druids do not remember who they really are, and are trapped on their island.   Fenrir also achieved the rank or Lord of Heatherdale, though it was only offered due to the rest of the Knights arguing about who should get it.  Fenrir stayed silent, and was seen as the only one who showed no sign of greed.  It was therefore awarded to him as the person who would abuse his power the least, if at all.

Failures & Embarrassments

Fenrir finds it hard to be embarrassed in socials situations, simply due to a lack of understanding.

Mental Trauma

Fenrir was abandoned by his family and left to the wolves. There was far more than meets the eye to that of course, but to him, having no human family, or knowing his human family abandoned him, left a mind that was forever traumatised in the knowledge of his true family seemingly hating him.  He was close to his wolf family though,, whom loved them as much as any human family would.  Recent events have opened his mind to the truth that his family did not leave him out of hatred, as the reunion with his sister showed, but he continues to search for his family, to find the truth, and maybe to bring his family back together.     Fenrir has very poor experiences when it comes to bears, especially Owl Bears. At the age of ten, he was attacked by an Owl bear that ripped his body to shreds, and nearly killed him.  This experience has forever left a mental scar; that of the face of an Owl Bear, screeching in his face.  To Fenrir, that is death itself.

Intellectual Characteristics

Fenrir is cunning, intelligent, methodical and wise in his application of his intellect.  He does not pursue knowledge, for he understands it must be earned, it must be given, and it is up to him to be ready to use it properly.

Morality & Philosophy

Fenrir puts the interests of the Order first. At times, he can be quite blood thirsty, but growing up eating small fluffy animals makes you somewhat psychopathic. That's not to say Fenrir enjoys killing, he is just often unfazed when killing or harming his enemies, or enemies of his friends.  Fenrir is loyal to the Order and Pack, and the Feydom of Dire in many respects. His loyalty to his friends is not concrete in that he will always go with them above all else, but he would never betray them, or turn and flee from danger if ever they were in need of his help.     Ultimately, Fenrir's moral compass is one of the Greater good for nature, and for the Order. If that means murdering a load of criminals and pirates, so be it.

Personality Characteristics


Fenrir is the first of the new generation of Druids. He was tasked with finding the durids who were lost during the split, and aid in the fight against Fenris.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Anything social... he definitely prefers being around animals.

Likes & Dislikes

Fenrir enjoys the open air, being around animals and nature.  Being stuck up in tight spaces is not the worst thing in the world, as the Den he grew up in was not exactly spacious, and neither was the hovel he lived his infancy in.  Rather, he likes small rooms and caves to call home.   Fenrir does not like strangers, as an adventurer that often means bad news, but is comfortable around familiar faces, animal or person, maybe even a familiar tree.   Oh, and Owl Bears...

Virtues & Personality perks

Fenrir is extremely loyal, and is proud of his duty to the Order. Humble is in his knowledge of his duty.

Vices & Personality flaws

Fenrir is slow to trust anyone (though not animals or members of the order). He cannot afford to mistrust people, as that’s when things go wrong. Fenrir struggles with goodbyes. Be they long term, short term or even formal farewells, he has said goodbye too many times, and becomes very emotional as his memories come flooding back.

Personality Quirks

Fenrir displays some strange animalistic behaviors, having spent his childhood among Wolves. These may include: 
Growling when Angry. Curling up when asleep. Poor Table manners. Showing submissive and dominant behavior in certain social situations.


Washing irregularly. Eating irregularly. Hair is messy, clothes often unwashed. Poor understanding of civilized life.


Contacts & Relations

He holds a personal relationship with Alfred. His family is spread apart over Cresteria. His sister for example, is head of Guild relations in the capital. His father, Micheal Edgar, is a high level Paladin. His brother is a naval captian.

Family Ties

The Dire Wolf Pack is the only family he knew, though he has some memories of his sister and parents, and brief images of his brother that appear in his mind.   His closest relative that lives with him is a cub from the youngest litter of his wolf mother, affectionately nicknamed Braveheart, though actually called Amarök.

Religious Views

The Fey, a mysterious place by all standards. Fully natural, and nothing artificial. Sounds like the ideal place for any Druid, and Fenrir is no exception. He follows the Order of Alfred, an Order that worships the Arch fey Alfred, who first gave the Elves a home in Cresteria. As for gods, he knows Pelor exists. The split happened for a reason.

Social Aptitude

Animals are far better companions and friends than most people. Though that might have something to do with the fact that Fenrir understands animals better than people… You would to if you had been raised in a forest by a pack of highly intelligent dire wolves! Fenrir is known for his intelligence and wisdom. He never had a formal education however, rather his wisdom is drawn from lessons learned during his childhood and his wolf family.   He is fiercely loyal, drilled into him by his upbringing of course. He would never willingly abandon his friends without good reason or betray them unless tricked by magic into doing so.   Fenrir is of extreme importance to the Order, but he remains humble, owing his life to them. His pack was once the only family he knew, and he will never forget any of them. Braveheart, as he is known by most, is Fenrir’s reminder of his past. The now large dire wolf is his older brother and by far his closest friend.


A poor grasp of Cresteria's common language, and a preference for formal Elvish leads to a somewhat humorous sentence structuring. He often stands tall, but holds his hands slightly curled, and brushes his hair out of his eyes every so often. Scratching his nose, or perking his ears are regular habitual movements for him. His behavior is slightly feral, entering certain stances in certain situations, such as bending over and walking slightly angled when threatened. He also searches for safety in those he knows he can trust, often looking to Braveheart, and sticking close to him at every turn.


His elvish upbringing made for his accent to be somewhat posh and flemish, however his fractured understanding of common makes for some humorous mispronunciations.



Brother (Vital)

Towards Lawrence Edgar



Lawrence Edgar

Brother (Vital)

Towards Amarök




Amarök was born in 27PR, and was one of five new cubs to the Dire Pack. Fenrir was instructed to take care of him, to learn the responsibility of such an undertaking. The pair got on well almost immediately, with the little wolf quickly trusting on the boy for both food and comfort, as well as fun. In their years adventuring, both boys have grown substantially, with Amarök, better known as Braveheart, reaching his full size, dwarving his human brother twice over, and reversing the roles. From Fenrir having to look after Amarök, to the large wolf returning the favour, much to Fenrir's embarrassment in many instances.   Despite this, they would be lost without each other, and so fight restlessly to keep one another from serious harm.

Nicknames & Petnames

Amarök is often just called Braveheart. However, as a nod to his real and lesser known name, Lawrence had started calling him A.B, but most of his siblings called him Amö, which Lawrence naturally followed.   Braveheart never refers to his brother by his real name, as none of the wolves did. Thus, Fenrir is on occasion abbreviated to Fen, and if Braveheart is teasing, "little brother" is used, as the wolf has surpassed the boy in age slightly.

Relationship Reasoning

Braveheart was born to the Dire Wolf pack, which had adopted Fenrir as their own many years prior. This lead to them being brothers, naturally, but the reasons for their shared voyage are a little deeper.   Originally, Braveheart was given to Fenrir to take care of, but it became clear that the roles would reverse once Braveheart had come of age. Braveheart would develop druidic abilities and become not just a close companion of Fenrir, but a partner in adventuring and rebuilding the Order.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Nature and the way of the Druids. Not much else is of concern, beside protecting Dire. They do of course share an upbringing.

Shared Secrets

They rarely revealed each others real names, until recently, but their exact origins and relationship is kept firmly secretive.

Lawrence Edgar

Brother (Vital)

Towards Elizabeth Edgar



Elizabeth Edgar

Sister (Important)

Towards Lawrence Edgar




As young children, Elizabeth played a huge role in her younger brother's first years. She and Lawrence were close, and she saw him as an opportunity to better herself as a more patient, and accepting person. Lawrence equally has fond memories of his sister, and it shows more in his attitude.   Where Elizabeth is Frank with her brother, and shows less affection than she used to, Lawrence was over the moon to have been reunited with her.

Wealth & Financial state

He has little concept or need for money, hence The Knights of Braveheart trust him with their funds.
Lawful Neutral
Current Status
On an adventure in the feywild
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord of Heatherdale Druid of Alfred
Date of Birth
15 PR
Circumstances of Birth
Wolves, something about wolves
Amarök (Brother)
Elizabeth Edgar (Sister)
Current Residence
Thick, long, brown hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
The Order of Alfred
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Druidic, Elvish, Common...sort of
Ruled Locations

Wolfborne: The Story of Lawrence Edgar

Character Portrait image: by H.Jollyham
  • 15 PR

    The death of Fenrir of Dire
    Life, Death

    The first born son of Aethelwulf on the new island of Dire, and heir to Alpha of the pack, was lured to a trap by Fenris, a Fey who was at war with Alfred and Dire. Fenrir was killed, devastating his family, including Melana, who was due to inherit the pack with him as his mate.   As great a loss to Dire and to Alfred as this was, it presented a perfect opportunity for Alfred to put his next plan into action; rebuilding the Druidic Order.   Fenrir's spirit lived on in the Fey, and expressed a desire to return to enact revenge. Alfred planned to have the spirit reborn, both so it could enact its revenge, but so that the wolf could return to his family one way or another.

  • 15 PR

    Birth of Lawrence Edgar
    Life, Birth

    Lawrence Edgar was born to the Paladin Micheal Edgar in 15 PR, the youngest of three children. Unknown to the Edgar family however, was that the boy did not contain a human spirit.   Destined to be the last of the Druids of Alfred, and to rebuild the Order, Alfred played a large role in his upbringing, and looked for the opportunity to bring him to the wolves and the Order. His father was keen for him to fulfill his role in the Order, and everything seemed to be shaping up.

    Additional timelines
  • 21 PR

    12 /3
    21 PR

    8 /5

    The Blockade of Dire
    Military action

    The blockade of Dire, including the failed invasion lead by the vampire captain Inecea Sufocan, had great repercussions for the Confederacy and the GMA.   Sufocan however, managed to kill Osowiec Holaro, a high ranking Paladin, and fought his apprentice, Micheal Edgar, kidnapping his wife for his own desires to be fulfilled, and nearly making off with his youngest son, but being stopped at the last second by the Alpha of the Dire Wolf Pack. 

    More reading
    Invasion of Dire
  • 21 PR

    14 /3

    Arrival to the Pack
    Life, Relocation

    After being rescued from the clutches of Sufocan by Aethelwulf, the Alpha of the Dire pack, he is brought to his new home among the pack, where his memories are wiped and he assumes his new identity as Fenrir.

    More reading
    Lawrence Edgar
  • 25 PR


    Becoming a Druid
    Life, Milestone

    Lawrence, or Fenrir as he known by the wolves, completes his final stages and becomes a fledgling druid at ten years old. Aided by his spirit, he gains the ability to change to a wolf at will, and gains access to more complex casting abilities than ever before, though he still has a way to go before being ready to join and rebuild the Order.

    More reading
    Lawrence Edgar
  • 25 PR

    26 PR


    The Longest Winter
    Geological / environmental event

    The winter came early to Dire, and much suspicion was raised as the climate was normally very well controlled and balanced, but for some reason, something had slipped through this year...

    More reading
    Lawrence Edgar
  • 25 PR

    18 /12

    An Encounter with Fenris
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The geological event was, as suspected, the work of outside influence. Fenris, Queen of the Ice, or The White Wolf, is an Arch Fey of incredible power, who wishes to engulf the world in a permanent winter. It is this desire that has left her in a bitter conflict with Alfred and the Order. She often appears as a giant white wolf, or as an elegant elf in blue crystalline armour.   Fenris had learned of the boy among the wolves, and knew his importance to Alfred, but had no idea that she had already killed him once. Initially, Fenris was going to just kill the boy with the long winter, and hopefully freeze a few wolves in the process, maybe even some Paladins, but her adversaries were smarter than that. Her second plan was to lure the boy to her, and perhaps seduce him (in a sense) to join her side. When this failed, she resorted to killing him, freezing his heart solid and leaving him in the snow. However, her attempt to deliver a killing blow was thwarted by none other than Melana, who was not at all keen on losing two brothers to the White Wolf. Melana scratched at Fenris' neck, which forced a retreat to the Fey. With some intervention from Alfred, Fenrir was saved.   This would begin Fenrir's involvement in the Order and the conflict between Alfred and Fenris.

    More reading
    Lawrence Edgar
  • 25 PR

    22 /12
    30 PR

    Together At Last
    Life, Relationship change

    From the moment Fenrir arrived to the pack, Melana had hated him. Not only had he been given the name of her dead brother, but now had all the attention of her father. This caused her to take out her grief on the boy. In competition with her younger brother for the right to rule, and to prove herself to her father that she could manage, her emotional stability was only maintained by bullying Fenrir. Things only got worse when Fenrir gained the ability to change to a wolf, as he resembled the dead one exactly.   During the long winter of 25 PR, she found out that Fenrir was in fact her dead brother, or at least he was in spirit. Heartbroken that she had treated the one most dear to her with such vicious hatred for so long, she rushed to find the boy. After stumbling upon him, nearly again being killed by Fenris, she took action to save him.   For the remainder of Fenrir's time with the pack, Melana and Fenrir rebuilt their once close relationship, falling into love to some extent.

    More reading
    Lawrence Edgar
  • 27 PR


    Birth of Amarök
    Life, Birth

    Fenrir's newest brother and future companion is born. Fenrir is instructed to take direct responsibilty and care for him, which he does with great enthusiasm.   Though it is not clear to anyone at the time beside Alfred himself, this wolf would grow to be the protector of Fenrir, and of great importance to the Order as a whole.

    More reading
  • 30 PR


    Joining the Order
    Life, Organisation Association

    After just under ten years with the Pack, and under the direct guidance of Alfred, who had become a Grandfather figure, Fenrir was ready to join the Order as its last Druid. He was inaugurated shortly before he left Dire to begin his adventure.

    More reading
    Order of Alfred
  • 30 PR


    Founding of the Knights of Braveheart

    Taran, Fenrir and Sildar arrive at the Tipsy Horse. The barkeep, Webley, leaves with the early Knights of Braveheart for an assignment set by Sildar.   After a few mishaps and a bit of a scrap with some goblins, they co-found the Knights of Braveheart, and they would become one of Cresteria's greatest and most powerful adventuring parties.

  • 32 PR

    The Disapearence of Alf
    Religious event

    Civil unrest begins on Dire, after the reveal that that the druids of dire had lost all contact with their patron.


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