Prosperity Dirth Geographic Location in Covenant | World Anvil

Prosperity Dirth

I saw the storm coming in from the Dirth, waves of lightning all wavy. Like pictures of deserts when it gets real hot. I always hated watch duty, even though the old tower was supposedly built of fancy Covenant metals that kept the juju out. But I lost a bet and took the shift. I could tell there something odd about that one. As it approached the floor started getting real hot, and I got real dizzy. I drank some water and steadied myself, girded my loins as they say, manned up.   Then, out in the mist, as the lightning struck, I swear I could see faces. Big faces.   You better believe I got the hell out out of there. You can pin deriliction of duty on me if you want, but you saw what happened to that tower. The color of the burned metal, the honeycomb hexes melted through the shielding in odd places. There's no way anyone's going up in it again, even if you do rebuild it. We'll should just watch from the bunkers and pray that's safe enough.   Or just leave this place and go back to the City.
  • Redacted TCSF debrief, 27AE, South Transfer Station
  • Geography

    The Prosperity Dirth is the massive stretch west of Terminal City where Old Prosperity City used to stand. This watery no mans land is often covered in a pea soup bank of fog. This fog can extend up to a km straight up as if threatening to crash down on Terminal City. The effects of the Dirth extend kilometers from the point of origin into ths ky, forming a perfect hemisphere. It's assumed that the field extends underground a similar distance.   The residents of Terminal City say the days when it is clear are the spookiest, as if the Dirth is daring them to come in.

    Fauna & Flora

    Strange creatures are said to have been seen by passing dirgibles. Large things, motionless just below the surface, unrecognizable. Several reports say islands have formed, covered in rich colorful foilage and spirals of ivory. One onlooker said a cloud of what appeared to be black balloons was drifting in circles near the center, slowly descending.   These accounts have never been verified.   Those foolish enough to fish near the boundry have certainly brought back a strange haul, if they return at all.


    The Dirth was created at the end of the Trinity War when a Covenant Citadel was scuttled over the Prosperity Peninsula. The area was rendered massively unstable, and periodically generates storms that assault the very nature of reality. These storms always head inland, away from the City.   Complex devices, including alloys, stop functioning and lose integrity over time within the area. Most inorganic matter disolves into dust after a significant period of time. Sentient beings start hallucinating, bleeding from the eyes and ears, and eventually suffer complete organ failure. Drones that are sent in to record or take samples never make it back.   After a series of tragedies attempting to reconnect the city to the mainland, a high speed rail loop was constructed around the dirth to allow cargo to to get to the port. This loop gave the area a wide berth, clear of the path that Dirth Storms take.


    There is no disagreement that this area should be avoided at all costs.
    Location under

    Cover image: by Krb22


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