Gem Scrolls Material in Corive | World Anvil

Gem Scrolls

[Working name]
While these gems are easier to find in Arfosian mines, they also appear in veins near mountain cores, even volcanoes.


Physical & Chemical Properties

Each gem can store a single spell, and upon the spell's use, the gem clears to store another spell within its facets.

History & Usage


Initially perceived as a stone similar to quartz, the mineral was discarded. The discovery of Arfosian's uses in crafting Warforged, Magic Guns, and Warforged weaponry like Warforged Cannons led magic users and engineers towards experimenting with minerals found near veins of Arfosian.
Records are still in dispute over who had in fact discovered the gem's ability to store a spell, and then after the spell's use, the gem could store another spell within it, but the records agree the gem's abilities were found after the first Warforged were crafted.

Everyday use

These gems are used for single spell storing and restoring a spell, though their magical use is not nearly as common as the use of scrolls yet. This is in part because failing to store a spell properly can result in the gem breaking.
Before the discovery of their ability to store magic, the gems were used to craft children's jewelry and cheap trinkets.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Children's jewelry made of this material before its magical storing property around Soplas had been disassembled, and mining for the gems has become an industry of its own.

Industrial Use

These gems have been inlaid into objects to grant the ability to activate the spell by the user.


Raw or refined, the gem can be used the same, though gems that have been cut or shaped are easier to work with. However, the gem but be entirely translucent to be of magical use, without any impurities within the gem.
Improper spell storing can result in the gem breaking, and a broken gem cannot store magic, nor can its shards.

Reusability & Recycling

The gems do not lose the ability to store a spell after the spell they store has been cast, but require the process of storing a new spell into the gem.
Entirely Translucent. When a spell is stored within one, the gem shifts to reflect the color of the type of magic used and may take on faint hues of an elemental gemstone.

Cover image: by Lyraine Alei, Midjourney


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