Campaign Lore in Corive | World Anvil

Campaign Lore

Whew, welcome to the lore that is the hardest for me to sort out at this time - Campaign Lore. Where Core Lore and Deep Lore are easier to split from each other in whole articles, I've been very sloppy in regards to my Campaign Lore.
Campaign Lore are the articles that involve storytelling campaigns. These can be the whole category like the Player Companion or individual articles I've written a lot about my games within such as the Failed Kidnapping of Valeska. At the time of writing, I am worldbuilding as a hobby and to have a setting to run my games in. I may decide to start marketing my world as a playable setting, but before I do that, I need to be able to look at my articles and confirm if the lore I've written is required knowledge, or stuff I use for my own version of corive.
If you are interested in the campaign I'm running and enjoy reading the sprinkled bits of lore about my game as my players do things that either change how events happen, cause events to happen, or similar, then click the check box next the Campaign Lore Consumer.
As a warning, like I mentioned in my Core Lore article, I will start going through my articles and sifting out content that is campaign specific into subscriber containers, so you may find some articles appearing shorter than you remembered them being, or suddenly longer. I will, however, be leaving my Challenge entry articles public, intact (maybe expanded though!) and available to be read by anyone, and I will not be hiding off my Deep Lore or my Campaign Lore in those articles.
If you're consuming my campaign's lore, enjoy and have fun - I'll be catching up as soon as I finish my "cleaning."
— Lyraine Alei

Campaign Lore Articles Numbers

Campaign Lore Articles A

Campaign Lore Articles B

Campaign Lore Articles C

Campaign Lore Articles D

Campaign Lore Articles E

Campaign Lore Articles F

Campaign Lore Articles G

Campaign Lore Articles H

Campaign Lore Articles I

Campaign Lore Articles J

Campaign Lore Articles K

Campaign Lore Articles L

Campaign Lore Articles M

Campaign Lore Articles O

Campaign Lore Articles P

Campaign Lore Articles Q

Campaign Lore Articles R

Campaign Lore Articles S

Campaign Lore Articles T

Campaign Lore Articles U

Campaign Lore Articles V

Campaign Lore Articles W

Campaign Lore Articles X

Campaign Lore Articles Y

Campaign Lore Articles Z

Cover image: by Lyraine Alei, Midjourney


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