Vaygus Karn Character in Corgeria | World Anvil
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Vaygus Karn (Vay-gus)

The Hand of Asmore Vaygus Karn

Vaygus is the leader of the Asmorean group that now controls Orliss Island. Vaygus was an ambitious priest within the cult. He built up a personal following, but his ambition brought him into conflict with the group's leaders on Rowes. The situation lead Vaygus to believe that he would be thrown out of the cult or even killed by his superiors. Obtaning a ship, Vaygus and his followers fled Rowes and eventually found a home on Orliss island. Charismatic and persuasive, Vaygus soon gathered a group of islanders around him. He constructed a temple and built a increasingly strong following. Vaygus and his followers killed the local lord and sacrificed his family to Asmore.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

vaygus is a tall and well-built man in excellent physical condition.

Facial Features

Vaygus has handsome face notable for his piercing blue eyes that command attention.  He wears a full, but neatly trimmed beard.

Apparel & Accessories

Vaygus usually wears the ankle length robes of a Priest of Asmore.  However if such identify garments undermine his purpose he will wear well-tailored clothing in muted colors and genrally appear to be a prosperous merchant.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

As a teenager in Rowes, Vaygus joined the Syrican brotherhood and soon was recruited into Asmorean Cult. He soon began to train as a priest. He showed particular skill and showmanship in carrying out the group's bloody rituals and demonstrated a willingess to carry out the cult's dirty work with skill and discretion. Vaygus increasingly felt that he had been chosen by Asmore as his special representative and that the leaders of the Cult on Rowes were holding him back. He began to create his own circle of priests and priestesses as well as lay members of the sect from among the Syrican Brotherhood. Eventually, the cult's leadership became increasingly concerned that Vaygus was contemplating some sort of coup to seize the title of high priest. Vaygus soon was warned that he would be targeted for expulsion and execution. Deciding he was in no position to act against the Cult's leadership he gathered most of his followers, took ship and fled Rowes. After traveling the islands of the Windy Sea for several months Vaygus found welcome on Orliss island where he decided he could build a temple and a following. The lord of the island was suspicious of Vaygus, but the priest convinced him of his benign intentions and paid a substantial bribe for protection. For a time, Vaygus lived relatively quietly on the island carefully building up his network until he was ready to act against the island's ruler. The Baron was murdered and his family siezed by Vaygus' followers. Vaygus proceeded to publicly torture and sacraficed the ruling family to cement hsi control over the island. Since this time, Vaygus has effectively ruled the island and has eliminated anyone who dared oppose him. At the same time his well-organized raids and kidnappings brought wealth to the island. He has been careful to make sure the the villages throughout the island have benefitted from the wealth that these expeditions have generated and have become increasingly emmeshed in his religious activities.

Gender Identity


Morality & Philosophy

Vaygus believes he is Lord Asmore's most loyal and devote priest.  Those who are personally loyal to Vaygus and his vision are demonstrating they are Lord Asmore's most loyal followers.

Personality Characteristics


To bring about the dominance of Lord Asmore with Vaygus acting as his instrument.


Vaygus is very fastidious valuing an unruffled appearance.


Social Aptitude

If Vaygus wants to befriend or get something from a person he will use his impressive powers of persuasion emphasizing eye contact, and physical contact such as grasping the person's arm or patting them on the back.  He is great at projecting both sincerity and confidence.  He is also skilled as being terrifying, usually quickly reading how to most effectively threaten an individual he wishes to intimidate.


Although not upper=class in nature, Vaygus strives for a strong, commanding tone that makes people take notice and listen.


Armurra Vella Karn

Wife (Vital)

Towards Vaygus Karn



Vaygus Karn

Husband (Vital)

Towards Armurra Vella Karn



Relationship Reasoning

The couple is both genuinly attracted to each other, but also feels an intense sense of political loyalty to each other thanks to shared vision of what the Asmorean Sect could be.

Legal Status


Wealth & Financial state

Vaygus has accumulated a considerable horde of gold and silver, but does not see it as his money, but rather as a tool for doing Asmore's bidding.  He has used considerable wealth to build an impressive temple dedicated to Lord Asmore on Orliss Island.
Lawful Evil
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
High Priests of Asmore, Master of Orliss
Year of Birth
952 35 Years old
Current Residence
Orliss Island
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Northron, High Corgerian
Ruled Locations


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