Orliss Island Geographic Location in Corgeria | World Anvil
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Orliss Island

A forbidding looking island in the Center of the Windy Sea. Most of the coast is lined by high gray cliffs. The island is hard to approach due to many surrounding rocky islets, reefs and sandbars. The area around the island has a reputation as a ships’ graveyard with hundreds of wrecks dotting the area. Once fisher folk, the island’s inhabitants have earned a reputation as ship wreckers and pirates. Even more darkly in recent years they have begun to practice cannibalism. They use swarms of small boats to attack passing ships and false beacons to draw ships on to the surrounding rocks. Those they take prisoner are occasionally ransomed, if they are someone of importance, but most disappear never to be seen again. Those who have been held for ransom speak of horrific rituals involving torture, abuse and cannibalism. The islanders are known for their terrifying appearance wearing leather masks painted with skulls or demonic faces. Their leaders are said to be a group of demon worshipping priests and priestesses. Much of the island is wooded and its inhabitants reside in fortified villages of stone and earth that dot the island’s hilltops. The island’s two harbors are only suitable for small craft and only can be approached through dangerous channels known only to the islanders.


The island is rugged with a few clear areas that are heavily cultivated. Most of the island is hilly and heavily wooded. The islands villages all occupy cleared hilltops usually close enough to sheltered coves to provided easy access to the surrounding waters. The offshore waters are very treacherous with numerous sandbars, submerged rocks and rocky islets

Fauna & Flora

The islands thick forests are a mixture of evergreens and leafy trees. Some areas show clear signs of having had the forest cut down and replaced with second growth forest.

Natural Resources

The island has a good supply of lumber and had some mid-sized iron and coal deposits that are exploited by the islanders.


For much of its history the island has a reputation as boring impoverished settlement or fisher folk surviving from the bounty of the suroudning waters and small scale farming. Twelve years a splinter group of Asmorean priests arrived on the island offering a way out of poverty for those who were willing to follow them. They organized attacks on merchant shipping to sieze both loot and hostages. Some hostages were held for ransom, otherwise were sacrficed by the Asmoreans. Anyone on the island who opposed the Asmoreans soon was eliminated by the priests and their followers.


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Alternative Name(s)
Wreckers Island
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