Gamba Settlement in Corgeria | World Anvil
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An island principality in the middle of the Sea of Winds. The Prince of Gamba allows pirates and other undesirables to take refuge in the islands as long as they give him a cut of their ill-gotten wealth. The city of Gamba is well fortified and has robust markets which deal in both legitimate and stolen goods. Gamba is also a haven for the slave trade. The City of Gamba is a well-fortified port with a population of roughly 30,000. The landward side has a high thick wall and moat. It can be entered through three well-fortified gatehouses. At the northern end of the city is a rocky peninsula on which the Prince’s castle sits. The mouth of the harbor is dominated by Kerrig Castle, which is on an islet that bisects the harbor mouth.


Gamba is a hereditary principality. It was once part of the now collapses kingdom of Sarkoss that used to dominate the eastern side of the Windy Sea. As the kingdom fell into anarchy the Baron of Gamba broke away and elevated himself to the rank of prince.


The landward side has a high thick wall and moat. It can be entered through three well-fortified gatehouses. At the northern end of the city is a rocky peninsula on which the Prince’s castle sits. The mouth of the harbor is dominated by Kerrig Castle, which is on an islet that bisects the harbor mouth.


The City of Gamba sits on a Rocky penisula with cliffs on the northern side and steady downward slope on the southern side. The newer part of the city spills out to follow the crescent shaped bay of Gamba.
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