Ules en Keld Settlement in Corgeria | World Anvil
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Ules en Keld

This is a town of 3,000 and the Baronial seat for the region. Ules is fortified with a 15’ stone wall with 5 gates protected by gatehouses. The town has a dry moat some 10’ wide and 6’ deep. The town is densely populated within the walls with most housing being two a three story buildings made out of a combination of stone and wood. Typically, the first floor is stone and the upper floors are framed in wood with lathe and plaster walls. Ules is a busy market town. Three times a week the towns central square fills up with market stalls as farmers bring their produce in from the countryside. The town also has a permanent enclosed fur market and a wool market. The town is well supplied with both blacksmiths and leather workers. Many of the blacksmiths are focused on providing tools for the areas busy lumber trade and the ongoing construction projects of the Living Idol’s followers. The Baron’s Hall is in a walled compound on the eastern edge of town within the town’s walls. It has a gate house leading out into a square. The compound includes a three story hall made out of stone, stables and a two story barracks.


The town is mainly populated by Northron humans some of who are drawn from the tribes of the woods, but most of whom have migrated her from central and southern Wallen over the last hundred years. About five percent of the population of the town it Corgerian, a single extended Danite clan lives in the west side of town and maybe twenty Dark Corgerians and Dark Coergerian half-castes lives in the town.


The Baron of Ules and his council, which includes his wife, his eldest son, the town's ranking priest and his marshall govern the town.


Ules is fortified with a 15’ stone wall with 5 gates protected by gatehouses. The town has a dry moat some 10’ wide and 6’ deep.

Industry & Trade

Ules is a busy market town. Three times a week the towns central square fills up with market stalls as farmers bring their produce in from the countryside. The town also has a permanent enclosed fur market and a wool market. The town is well supplied with both blacksmiths and leather workers. Many of the blacksmiths are focused on providing tools for the areas busy lumber trade and the ongoing construction projects of the Living Idol’s followers.


The town was established some one hundred years ago as a fortified outpost to protect Northern Wallen from raids by the forest tribes. As colonists were drawn to the area buy cheap land and abundant forest resources the town steadily grew into a bustling market town. Some thirty years ago the town's wooden palisades were replaced by stone walls and towers.


The town is densely populated within the walls with most housing being two a three story buildings made out of a combination of stone and wood. Typically, the first floor is stone and the upper floors are framed in wood with lathe and plaster walls.


The town is on relatively flat ground and serves as the main intersection for roads leading to various parts of the Barony. The roads are all relatively well maintained dirt roads with drainage ditches and timber bridges.
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization


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