Magicalurgy Physical / Metaphysical Law in Chronicles of Hysal | World Anvil
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Magicalurgy is a science that studies the effect of different elements on the magical abilities of mages. These effects are wide ranging and changing depending on the type of mages and their relative strenght. It is an essential field of study for any serious Scholar interested in magic studies as well as to the creation of Talismans, which are magic items used extensively by both Elemental Mages and Soulbound Mages.


A total of 17 materials are known to have various effects on mages and Nexurium in general. These include metals, alloys and crystals and gemstones.


Gold: General Magic Enhancer
This Metal strenghtens the mana flows inside their body. This helps in both maintaining their stamina, allowing them to perform their abilities for much longer without getting tired, but it also offers mages greater control over their abilities.   Iron: Elemental Magic Inhibitor
Iron is a metal that is naturaly resistant to mana energy passing through it. However, it isn't able to completly stop it. Instead, it allows the mana to pass at a much slower pace all the while greatly disturbing its flow, making it difficult for mages to accuratly perform their abilities or absorb nearby mana while wearing a iron talisman. All of this makes iron a bad mana isolator, unlike steel, but also a great inhibitor which only works with Elemental mages. Soulbound mages are unafected by this thanks to their etherial link which supplies them Mana.   Silver: Soulbound Magic Inhibitor
Silver metal is well known for disturbing the abilities of soulmages. It does this by interacting with their Etherial link, which constricts and hardens when the mage come into contact with silver. This means that less mana energy can flow through it and enter their body to replennish their reserves. This limits the amount of mana their can use, which is normaly nearly unlimited. Although, this means that is stops most soumages from being able to use their abilities for as long; However, it is particulary useful for shapeshifters, who are uniquely sensitive to the fluctuation of the Lunar phases of Veos as these talismans helps tamper these fluctuations within their bodies, which may have otherwise cause trouble for them.   Tin: Mana Storage
Tin metal is cappable of storing a variable amount of mana energy within itself for a somewhat long period of time, up to multiple hours, all while remaining stable and able to be moved and even hit without any significant problems. In some cases, it is used as a mana energy battery, allowing mages to store some of their mana and retreive it at a later time.   Copper: Mana Conversion
The effects of copper can best be described as the opposite of Tin. Whereas tin metal holds on to mana energy for long periods of time, Copper does not, instead it expulses it almost immediatly. However, while doing so, it also transforms it into a variable amount of energized elemental materials, which includes light, fire, ice and air. For unknown reasons, the Metal cannot produce the other 4 elements. When mana from the other 4 elements enter copper, it is expulsed in the form of lightning bolts, which is just wild Nexurium.   Lead: Mana Absorption
This metal has the ability to absorb all types of Nexurium energy, including the mana from elemental and soulbound mages, elemental animals or any other source of Mana and make it dissapear within itself, seemingly detroying it. It is commonly refered to as a mana sink. However, it doesn't work on soulmages as well, since they have a near unlimited amount of mana at their disposal thanks to their Etherial link. For them, it might only make them weaker and unable to use their abilities as much.

Metal Alloys

Bronze: Mana Chanelling
This alloy incorporates the attributes of both of its constituent metals, which are the storage capacity of Tin metal and the mana conversion ability of Copper, into what is called Chanelling. Bronze is able to hold on to large quantities of Mana while also allowing the Elemental mages holding or wearing the Talisman to control the mana inside it and the flow of mana in and out of the object, as well as being able to convert -Or channel it- into Elemental materials. The most common way to channel mana consists of transfering more mana into the Talisman than it can hold, which will force some of the mana energy inside to convert into Elemental materials. This is the same way elemental mages are able to produce materials from specific parts of their body, like their hands. Mana can also start to slowly convert itselft into Elemental material if enough time has passed.   Steel: Mana Isolator
Mana energy cannot penetrate inside steel metal. Instead, upon contact with the metal, the mana will simply be reflected back, the way light is reflected upon a mirror. However, if the metal is it by Mana converted into elemental elements, it can be affected, in a similar way to how it would normaly be affected by the elements naturaly present in Hysal. However, good quality steel is very resilient to damage, so it requires a very large amount of mana or elemental material to be damaged. This makes this alloy the best defense against mana or elemental attacks as well as a great mana isolator in general, used in many machines.   Sterling Silver: Soulbound Magic Inhibitor
Sterling silver has a similar effect to regular on soulmages, yet is is significantly stronger, making it nearly impossible for the vast majority of Soulmages to use their abilities. However, it also has a secondary effect, which is believed to be caused by the copper content within the alloy and that makes it much more dangerous to them than rehualr silver. That is because sterling silver causes the body to lose some of its mana. This is not an immediate problem for soulmages, but in the long run, usualy after a few hours, it can induce fatigue and cause pain. This is because their etherial link has to work harder than usual to keep the mage's mana energy at a normal and constant level. Long term exposiure, like direct skin contact or any kind of perforations, is very dangerous for soulmages.

Crystals, Gemstones and other materials

Amethist crystals are able to enhance the abilities of soulmages by strenghtening their etherial link. This enables them to perform their abilities for a longer period of time before the fatigue sets in. It also makes those abilities stronger, and although it works for all types of soulmages, it is particulary useful for Soulstridder and Necromancers.   Obsidian:
Obsidian glass have a slight enhancing effect towards Firemages's stamina. This allows them to perform their abilities for a longer period of time. However, it doesn't impact the strenght of those abilities.   Frostite:
These crystals, made up of compressed ice and crushed lycen crystals, have been found to be very helpful to Icemage, as it greatly increases their stamina, which for icemages, is very important, as they can only rely on their own internal mana to fuel their abilities, since ice barely has any at all.   Qualurite:
This very rare, dense and dark stone greatly enhances both the strenght and power of the abilities and the stamina of Stonemage.   Shadestone:
The nearly pure blackness of this mineral seems to be a sort of anchor from which Shadowmage could extract shadows for use for their abilities. Some scholars and solian theologians speculates Shadestone is made of litteral petrified shadows from the depts of the planet.   Amber:
Amber acts in a similar way to shadestone, as it also serves as an anchor, but for Lightmage, who are able to extract light energy from. In fact, the amber crystals are called Sunstones in Darnia for this reason and are considered to be the antithesis of shadestone.   Ajax Feather:
The feather of Ajax birds have the ability to greatly increase the power of a Firemage's abilities. However, it doesn't affect their stamina.   Piru Pelts:
The furry pelt of The Piru are a powerful magical item that greatly enhances the strenght and power of the abilities of Windmage as well as giving them more stamina, making them much more powerful overall.
Metaphysical, Elemental


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