The Ajax is a large bird species native to the jungles of northern Mahador. They are renouned in many parts of the world for their beauty and inteligence, as well as being one of the few known species of Elemental Animals.
Basic Information
The Ajax is one of the largest bird species in Hysal. From the top of its head, to the tip of its tail, it is about a metre tall. Each wings mesure around half a metre in lenght. The largest ones, usualy found in the wild, can mesure as tall as 1,5 metres and have a wing span of over 2 metres.
Dietary Needs and Habits
Ajaxes have a varied diet that refects the diverse ecosystem they live in. They can eat insects, nuts, bits of tree and plant leaves and most of all fruits. They especialy like bananas, papayas and mangos, which they either eat directly from the tree they from from, or take to bring back to their nest. In captivity, they are mainly fed fruits, vegetables and nuts. Fruits like apples and strawberries, vegetables like carrots or peas and nuts like cashews and almonds.
Ajaxes are highy emotionaly inteligent animals and are able to feel many different emotions, such as happiness, sadness, anger and they can recongnise those emotions in other ajaxes, humans, dogs and many other animals. Not only are Ajaxes very emotionaly inteligent, but they are also able to mimic human speech with a high degree of accuracy. Some individuals can be trained to mimic whole sentences and string them together to form small speeches. While they dont seem to understand what they are actualy repeating, they most definetly understand the context around them. For example, many Ajaxes will welcome their owner when they enter the same room and say good bye to them or wish them a good trip when they leave the room.
Additional Information
Ajax birds are quite smart, and it is one of their most appreciated aspects. However, for the purpose of domestication, this is a double-edged sword. On one hand, when taken as babies, they are easely, they are easely trainable and can understand a wide variety of commands, at least as many as a typical dog. However, as adults, they are very stuborn and independant. For these reasons, domesticating them then is nearly impossible. This is why adults are only captured in order for them to have babies that can be easely domesticated. These babies then grow up into domesticated adults, who have babies of their own. With each geenration, they becomes easier to train.
Uses, Products & Exploitation
Messenger Birds
In the early to middle years of the second age, Ajaxes where used as messengers, transporting letters in specialy made holsters. They were used mainly because of their high intellect, exceptional wayfinding ability and relative ease of training. Since then however, their usefulness was severely cut down thanks to the Coursier system and even more after the discovery and developement of etherial telepathy.Tail Feather
In Mahador, particulary within the Arakan Confederation, the multicoloured tail feathers of the Ajax are very sought after, as it is said in Arakan myths that this item can bring luck to the person it belong to. For Firemages, the feathers can be used to create a Talismans, which enhances their elemental abilities.Hunting Compagnion
They can used their elemental abilities to help their human master hunt prey. Thanks to their high intelligence, they can also recongnise preys and predators and guide their master towards them or away from them.Facial characteristics
They have a stubby beak, curved toward the ground. It is usualy black in colour in adults or greyish in younger individuals. They have beady red eyes located on the side of the head.
Geographic Origin and Distribution
Ajax live in the dense jungles of northern Mahador, particulary along the Golcaï River valley, which is the area with some of the richest fauna and flora in the world. They can also be frequently spotted flying in the skies over the Tomboraanian Plateau as well as in the southern parts of the Island of Velcaan.
Perception and Sensory Capabilities
Very Sensitive Hearing
Ajax birds have exceptional hearing. They are able to hear a faint wistle from dozens of kilometres away. This is used by their master to call them back when they leave their cages or during a hunt.Fire Elemental Abilities
Ajaxes are one of the most well known Elemental Animals in Hysal, only surpassed in popularity by Dragons. They can use those abiities to attack enemies, help them make their nest, defend their young and even cook some of the food they eat.Wayfinding abilities
Ajax, like many other birds, have very good wayfinding abilities. They can find their way back home or any locations that they have visited enough times very easily. It is not known exactly how they are able to do that, but most scholars have ruled out involvement of soulbound magic, since they do not posses a link or tether to The Ether.
20-30 years in the wild, nearly 50 in captivity.
Average Height
Around 1 metre. Ajax kept in captivity tend to be smaller.
Average Weight
Between 2-4kg or 4 to 8 lb.
Average Length
Wingspan of around 1,5 metres and up to 2 metres.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
In Mahador, particulary within the Arakan Confederation, the tail feathers are said to bring good luck to the person it belong to. This is an extension of the belief by the Arakans and other cultures hold that Ajax are bringers of good fortune and peace. In some Arakan myths, it is even believed that just seeing an Ajax flying overhead, or nesting in a nearby tree is a good omen.
Very well-written species of bird! Question and suggestions for improvement (after we're allowed to edit articles again in February): How powerful are the fire elemental abilities of the Ajax? for example, can it create fireballs and how large are those fireballs? Is it able to defend itself from natural predators or does it even have any natural predators thanks to the fire abilities? Adding something like that to the article would help give everyone an idea for how powerful the birds are.
Yeah, i completely agree with our assessment. I was in a bit of a time crunch during that last worldEmber week so i didn't add all that i wanted into the article. Those birds are very important for one of my story characters, so this article is on the top of my revision priority. All these questions will be answered in February! Thanks for your constructive criticism. Very appreciated!