Magical Abilities and Schools of Magic

Magic is born into everything in Chimera D10. Both the living and nonliving are inherently magical, all thanks to the gaze of the Dread Moon over the land. Your magic ranked skill determines what magic spells a character can cast. Each spell has a rank, from a value of one to five. The spells you can cast are equal and below your modifier. For example, if you have a modifier of 3, you can cast rank 3 spells, as well as rank 1 and 2.  

How to Cast a Spell

To cast a spell, you must determine three things: 1) do I need to spend energy to cast this spell; 2) is a applicable target in range; and 3) What will my spell do to its target?  

Using Energy

Unless otherwise specified by a passive ability, all spells cost energy to cast. Sometimes, you are allowed to spend multiple energy on a spell to create a more powerful effect. This will always be specififed in the spell's description and parenthesis.  

Spell Duration

Pay attention to descriptors like instantaneous, sustained, dismissed, and duration: Instantaneous spells happen immediately; sustained spells can be given extra energy to last longer; dismissed spells last until you end them or as otherwise stated by an ending-trigger; duration spells last for a set amount of time.  
A caster cannot have more than one sustained, duration, or dismissed spell effect going at a time. The only exception to this rule is the Quill's shadowself spell, with the ability to clone themselves. Moreover, you can have a sustained, durationed, or dismissible spell going and still cast an instantaenous spell, should this not result in you casting two spells at the same time.

Save or Roll to Hit?

When looking at what your spell can do, pay attention to if the spell asks for an attack check with the prompt "Roll to hit" or if it instead asks for a target to make a "save" - rarely will spells ask for both; please read them carefully. Additionally, all spells do magical damage, when a damage value is given.  

Spell Range and Area of Effect

To determine if a target is in range, look at the parenthesis attached to the spell. There are six different kinds of ranges the caster needs to be in to their target to cast the spell: touch, engaged, nearby, far away, distant, or variable. Additionally, the areas of effect is also specified as part of the spell: self, area of effect such as a zone or a part of a zone, single target, chosen target(s), or blast.  

General Magical Abilities

The three following abilities are unique in that they scaffold off of one another; you do not need all three abilities "equipped" to scaffold, but you do need the better ability equipped to cast the most amount of spells with the best benefits.
  Apprentice Magician (passive): Choose a school of magic: Cornerwitch, Conduit, Druid, Elementalist, and Quill. You gain access to or otherwise know of the related spell list. However, you may only prepare three spells for the day from this list. Additionally, when you come across a written documentation of a spell, you may replace a spell you know from your list with the new spell.   Journeyman Mage (passive) - Prerequisite, Apprentice Magician: You may now prepare three additional spells--this means six spells for the day. Rank 1 and 2 spells no longer cost energy.   Arch Mage (passive) - Prerequisite, Journeyman Mage: You may prepare four additional spells a day--this equals ten spells for a day. You may dedicate three spells of any rank to memory; once a day, you may cast one and only one of these spells for zero energy. After you have expended this, you must take a long rest to regain this ability.   Click to expand the extra Magical Abilities
Negation Casting (energy) - Prerequisite, Apprentice Magician: You may attempt to dispel a magical effect or target a point such that any magical effect in a 10ft radius of the point specified can potentially be dispelled. You perform a Luck Check and roll a number of dice equal to an amount specified by the GM, or the amount of energy put into the spell--whichever is higher.   Careful Casting (passive) - Prerequisite, Apprentice Magician: You can designate targets equal to your luck modifier that are not affected by any spell you cast.   Upcast (passive) - Prerequisite, Journeyman: [[TBA]]   Sneaky Casting (passive) - Prerequisite, Journeyman Mage: you can now roll for sneak checks to see if your player character can cast a spell without alerting anyone.   Spellweave - Prerequisite, Journeyman Mage: You create a spell to weave into the fabric of the world indefinitely and requires you to take either one long rest or six short rests to create as part of your downtime . The GM and yourself must discuss the parameters of the spell and is added onto the list of all general spells.   Potion Seller (passive): You can create potions from any spell you know or that another allied mage offers. All potions last for rounds equal to your luck modifier. The potion counts as a small item. You can create three in one day. You can create them during a short rest, or any other rest.   Moonsight (energy) - Prerequisite, Apprentice Magician: you gain the ability to see magic nearby  and advantage to knowledge check to discern the spell you can see.   Moonblood (passive) - Prerequisite, Apprentice Magician: you gain the ability to replenish energy at night at the cost of your health. At minimum, For every 2 energy you replenish, you remove one health.   Moontide (passive) - Prerequisite, Apprentice Magician: As a reaction on your turn, you can receive energy from other creatures who are willing to give you their energy. Note, the willing target keeps their reaction and does not need a reaction for your ability to work. The willing target specifies how much of their energy you can take, and deducts from their character sheet how much is taken after you, the caster, makes a luck save to determine what happens during the exchange. On Crit Pass, you gain the willing targets donated energy plus your own luck modifier; on a pass, you gain the willing target's energy. On half-pass, you gain only half the willing target's energy, and the willing target keeps the other half of their energy; On fail, you do not gain the target's energy, and the willing target keeps their energy; On crit fail, you do not gain the willing target's energy, and the willing target loses that energy.

Schools of Magic

Your character's school of magic defines who they are as core to their person. Each school as well specializes in particular kinds of spells that affect a specific facet of life, as described below:  

Generic article | Apr 7, 2022

The cornerwitch dabbles in what lies around the corner for all mortal life--eventual assimilation into the Wall of the Faceless Dead, a sea grey hedge of afterlife that stretches across all existence. That or perhaps a fairytale garden where all live happily. Or, a sleep with no memory of a dream and no waking.

Generic article | Apr 7, 2022

All druids gather their magics from Ars Materia itself, the beating heart of the center of the universe, where every mortal creature, no matter their inevitable end, lives in a brilliant flash of gnarled survival. Feared as they are, most are allowed to carry their business so long as the mess is reasonably excusable.

Generic article | Apr 7, 2022

Conduits hardly ever choose to be so, as no conduit stays themselves forever; the gods speak in long sentences that across all of time, ceaselessly, and without a moment of silence to oneself, how could they not give themselves up to the words, becoming ghosts in their own bodies to celestial commandments.

The Starcaller


Generic article | Apr 7, 2022

Quills tap into the magics in True Words alone. Their magics are a shout and loud cry against the entropy and chaos of mundane reality, amplified by the moondust tattoos that decorate their body. Lit from their inner flame, they are beacons of the perseverance of the stubborn mortal spirit.

Generic article | Apr 7, 2022

A folk magician who draws their magic from Pelagia, the nightrain realm under the shadows of staircases and other hidden places. And yet their magic tastes of cherry-sweet charm, trick, and music. Moonkissed for their passions and long nights, not even devils bet gold against fiddlers anymore.

Generic article | Apr 7, 2022

Fire sings, Earth hums, Water babbles, and Air whistles. This orchestra is under the command of the elementalists, those most responsible for both causing and averting wildfires, landslides, floods, and tornadoes. Really, Elementalists are always a pleasure to have around, for who can hear the music in things anymore?  

General List of Spells

Some spells are widely accessible to mages--widely accessible here meaning that anyone can cast them. The only problem is that these spells are not included in their rigorous school's teachings. To find these spells, they must be read in a book or taught by a fellow mage. To learn more about them, click the articleblock below:   [[RIGHT HERE]]
Generic article | Apr 8, 2022
Looking for a list of all spells alphabetically for no reason other than organization?
I got'cha pal:



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