
Resting is crucial in maintaining a player character's health and energy. There are three types of rests available to players depending on their needs:  

Types of Rests

There are Short and Long Rests. Each present a different recovery rate and rest actions available to players. Additionally, some status effects require certain kinds of rests.  

Short Rests

When traveling, it can become difficult to sleep; a player character may not trust their companions, the weather might keep them up, or the dead might crawl underneath a player character's tent at night. Anything can happen while they sleep, after all. For that reason, when a player is not in a designated "civilized area" to sleep in, a player character can only take a short rest.   Short Rests takes from 30 minutes to half of one interval—two hours. A player may not take more than three short rests per day. This gives a total of anywhere from an 1 hour and 30 minutes to 6 hours a character may short rest a day. A Short Rest allows for a player character to take the guard, repair, and leisure rest actions.   PCs who are not mages recover 1d10 + Luck Modifier to either health OR energy per 30 minutes rested, and no resolve die are recovered this way. PCs who are mages regain, per 30 minutes rested, their Luck Modifier as energy or 1d10 + Luck modifier to health if short resting at night, and 1d10 + Luck Modifier energy OR health if short resting in the morning Mages regain health by 1d10+ Luck modifier to health same as non-mages.    

Long Rests

A Long Rest takes up to two intervals—eight hours. A long rest can be taken in an area of civilization. A long rest has access to all rest actions.   A Long Rest allows for all rest actions except leveling. Non-mage PCs recover 2d10 + Luck Modifier for both health AND energy per interval rested. Mages recover energy equal to their Luck Modifier if long resting at night intervals and 2d10 + Luck Modifier is resting in the morning intervals. Additionally, recover a number of Resolve Die equal to your Luck Modifier per interval rested.  

Rest Actions and Downtime

Certain Rest Actions, actions a player character can do while resting, are available depending on the type of rest chosen. In total, there are six rest actions: 1) guarding; 2) crafting; 3) repairing; 4) training; and 5) recovery. Each action takes up a variable amount of time, but cannot exceed more than half the time of the rest. As such, some types of Rests do not have access to certain Rest Actions, as noted above in each respective category. If more than half the time spent during the rest is NOT spent on resting, the character does not receive the benefits of that rest--except in the case of the Possession Status Effect.  


Guarding takes a minimum of 15 minutes, but up to a player determined maximum. During this time, a player is allowed to make 3 Perception, Investigation, or Gut checks--or a combination of any of these skills; this is to allow the player to perceive any danger that might be present, and to give them three chances to do so before the danger presents itself.  


Crafting takes 1 hour per item crafted. A Player Character can only craft once per Long Rest, and three times per Extended Rest.  


Repairing takes a minimum of 15 minutes, but up to a maximum of half the rest. A character can attempt to repair without any items that would otherwise help them. In this case, they make a Mental Save: On a crit pass, all flaws are removed; on a pass, 1 flaw is removed; on a half pass, the flaw is removed but no other rest actions can be taken even if they were previously declared; on a fail, the flaw stays on the item; on a crit fail, the item gains an additional flaw.  


Please refer to the Die Rolls, Checks, and Modifications article’s “Instruction” section.  


Recovering takes a minimum of 1 hour, and helps remove status effects from certain characters, giving them advantage to any checks needed to break out from under a status.

Cover image: Art Chimera by Madeline M


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