Melee and Ranged Weapon Abilities

Weapons, melee or ranged, serve the function of pacifying enemies, lethally or non-lethally. Please note, if your character wishes to hit a target, they must make use an attack action during their turn. In this way, hit, to-hit tolls, attacking, and attack rolls are synonymous. Chimera uses the latter two, though any table lingo may be used. When attacking, one must use a single energy. With any attack roll, if the attack succeeds or fails, the energy is expended upon rolling.   Below, you will find two types of abilities: passive and energy. Passive abilities do not require you to spend energy and will automatically work within the stated specifications. Meanwhile, energy abilities require at least one energy to be spent; some abilities require an energy and also specify it requires a successful attack action to work; In this case, using both the ability and the to-hit will only require a single energy.  

Melee Weapon Abilities

Unless otherwise specified, melee weapons are made to deal with a foe within close proximity, no further than 5ft from the user.  


Bladed weapons have a sharp edge with a small handle--usually resembling swords. Their wielders are known for their adaptability, profound might, and subtle grace.   Bladed Abilities
Swordman’s Finesse (energy): As part of a successful attack action, you can hit through armor for half damage (rounded down).   Parry (energy): When attacked, you can expend energy to parry incoming damage as a reaction. The amount parried is equal to your full weapon damage times the amount of energy you spend.   Momentum’s Lash (passive): You can attack twice with bladed weapons.   Cleave (passive): When you cause an enemy to die or become unconscious during your turn, any additional damage unused is carried over to an adjacent foe of your choosing.   Leafsbane (passive): When traversing difficult terrain caused by foliage with your bladed weapon equipped, you can move unhindered at the expense of your quick action.   Hailing Thrust (energy): You can throw your bladed weapon to a nearby target. On a successful hit, they take the full weapon damage and obtain the bleeding status effect for turns equal to the energy put into the ability.   Disarming Strike (energy): You can attempt to disarm a target engaged with you of a weapon they are holding; on a successful hit, their weapon lands beside you. You can additionally expend your reaction to catch the weapon if you are not holding anything in the other hand.   Courtly Disposition (passive): When in social scenes, if your sword is strapped by your side, you gain advantage on socially relevant-based skill checks.   Duelmaster’s Arena (energy): You challenge an enemy who can see and hear you. They make a social save. On success, nothing happens, and they cannot be retargeted for the day. On fail, they favor you as a target.


Polearms are weapons akin to staves, glaives, halberds, lances, and spears. They deal, or sometimes play, with enemies at a distance. Coy and tricky, their wielders are usually much the same.   Polearm Abilities
Opportunist’s Exit (energy): When a target has advantage to hit you, as a reaction, you can at any point during the round freely disengage and decide whether or not you also expend your quick action to either A) find cover or B) leave the zone.   Poised Stance (passive): Your weapon choice makes it difficult to throw you off balance. You have advantage to physical saves against the following status effects: Prone, Trapped, Dazzled.   Leeching Snap (passive): When you cause an enemy to die or become unconscious, you gain a free complex action and can choose to do the following: use it immediately, hold it as a reaction, or discard it.   Preemptive Riposte (energy): When targeted by an enemy, you can use your reaction to attempt to strike at the foe before they hit you. On successful attack action, you cause their attack to fail.   Viper’s Guard (energy): During your turn as a reaction, you can impose disadvantage on a number of attacks of opportunity against you equal to energy spent. Phrased another way, you can spend multiple energy to impose disadvantage on an equal amount of attacks of opportunity, should you anticipate more than one.   Extending Strike (energy): You can expose yourself to immediate attacks of opportunity to enemies engaged with you, but you can attack any enemy nearby without moving.   Spider’s Spin (energy): You can perform a spin attack that hits all nearby enemies. You can choose to roll once to hit all targets engaged with you, which deals full weapon damage; or you can roll once per target engaged with you, but deal damage equal to half your current weapon damage.   Moon’s Descent (passive): When you fall onto an enemy, have double advantage to hit. Any fall damage you would have taken is halved; the targets takes one half and you take the other half. On a fail yo hit, you take the full fall damage as normal.   Polearmsmen’s Gambit (energy): On a successful attack action, you can gain advantage to hit a target, but the target also gains advantage to hit you. You can expend an additional energy to gain double advantage or another to get a guaranteed hit, at the cost of the target having the same to hit you.


Blunt weapons are the law's cudgel of the battlefield or brutish constructs, the most common being tool's of the laymen. Most prefer the hammer with the hope to rebuild civilization.   Blunt Abilities
Guard-Breaker (energy): With a successful attack action, you can decide to instead direct your attack at the armor itself. On a successful hit, the target does not benefit from its worn armor bonus until the start of your next turn. This attack does not deal damage.   Crippling Blow (energy): On a successful attack action, a target suffers the slowed status effect until the start of your next turn.   Empowered Strike (passive): When wielding a blunt weapon and on a successful attack action, you can add damage equal to your fitness modifier.   Bull-Fisted (energy): As part of your successful attack action, you can double damage for your attacks, but for the rest of the round, enemies have double advantage to hit you.   Brute Strength (passive): When wielding a blunt weapon, 9-10 become critical.   Bloodied Riposte (energy): When bloodied, wielding a blunt weapon, and about to suffer an attack from an enemy, you can make an attack against the enemy's attack, regardless of distance. Expend the energy point and make an attack roll with your weapon. If your damage is greater than the incoming damage, you cause the attack to fail.   Deadly Aim (energy): As a reaction, you get a guaranteed hit with your weapon.   Swordsplitter (passive): When an engaged target’s weapon’s damage is less than your own, you can cause that target to make a physical save. On a failed save, their weapon shatters. On a half-pass, their weapon gains a single weapon flaw. On a pass, nothing happens to their weapon and they cannot be retargetted for the rest of the day.   Savage Blows (passive): Your fists count as blunt weapons and deal a base damage of 3.


Far more cunning weapons are the whips, dual-weapons, and flails. They bend around targets and feign any semblance of forward intent.   Flexible Abilities
Cruel Riposte (energy): When hit by another target engaged with you, you can expend your reaction to attempt to make an attack in response. On success, you can deal back half damage dealt to you back to the target. Again, this is not half of your weapon’s damage; instead, it is half the damage the target did to you.   Adder’s Caution (energy): By spending energy, you gain a stacking advantage bonus equal to energy spent that you can use toward your saves.   Whistling Strike (passive): You can perform an attack of opportunity on targets that engage with you.   Stiff Sprints (energy): If you are bloodied, you autopass agility checks. This movement cannot be halved or otherwise reduced by difficult terrain.   Vulture’s Thirst (passive): You deal double damage to a target suffering a status effect.   Wrathful Flurry (energy): If a target is bloodied, you can choose to deal your normal weapon damage and additional damage equal to you expertise modifier you put into the successful attack action.   Knee Snap (energy): You make an attack of opportunity against a target engaged with you. On a successful attack action, you do full damage, and they cannot move for the rest of the round.   Adrenaline Rush (passive): With each successful and consecutive attack during your turn, your damage increases by 1 per round to a maximum equal to your expertise modifier. When you fail to hit with an attack action, do not attack during a clear and given opportunity or during your round, you lose this boon.   Butter Fingers (passive): After having successfully performed an attack action, you gain a free attempt to steal small items from your target with a sleight of hand check. You cannot attempt to steal worn, stowed, or hand-held items.


Shields guard the people--for one shield for one man, is a shield for all that he stands for.   Shield Abilities
Shield Bash (energy): Expend your reaction when engage with a target to shield bash them. The target to make a physical save. On fail, they are prone for an amount of rounds equal to energy spent. On success, they are prone half the rounds.   Damage Sponge (energy): When engaged with an ally who has taken damage from a single attack, you can choose to spend an energy point and absorb up to half damage targeted to the ally at no cost to your own health.   Planted Stance (passive): If you do not move out of the zone you are in during your turn, you can choose to block incoming damage. When a Half-pass would still deal half damage, you instead take no damage. Similarly, full damage and critical damage is halved.   Towering Defense (passive): For every turn you do not 1) use or expend movement or 2) are moved by another ability while wielding a shield weapon, you gain advantage to hit. This stacks from advantage, to double advantage, to a guaranteed hit to adjacent enemies only.   I’m Rubber, You’re Glue (energy): Expend your reaction and gain the Reflect status effect for rounds equal to the amount of energy spent.   Wild Swing (energy): When you expend your reaction, you can guarantee a hit, but you gain a weapon flaw in return.   Just In Time (passive): You gain an additional quick action when wielding a shield.   Castling Maneuver (energy): As a reaction, you can swap positions with a consenting ally the same or nearby zone as you.   Inflamed Defense (passive): When afflicted with a status effect, you gain an additional 2 armor.

Ranged Weapon Abilities

Unless otherwise specified, ranged weapons are made to deal with a foe at a distance, which will be specified in each individual ranged weapon category's case.  


Javelins, Bolas, and Shuriken--each of these are used to quickly disable an enemy at a distance at the price of expending your weapon. You may be at times defenseless, but never daunted.   Thrown Weapons have a target with a range of nearby to far away, with anything closer or further having disadvantage. Attacks made to targets outside the zone of combat autofail.   Thrown Abilities
Pinning Strike(energy): As part of a successful attack action, you can pin a target to the ground for rounds equal to the amount of energy spent.   Spite and Ire (passive): You gain advantage to hit an enemy who most recently attacked you.   Reflexive Correction (energy): If you miss your attack action's hit, you can expend an energy to attempt to hit the target again. This ability can only be used once per turn.   Stab and Twist (energy): You benefit if your allies are flanking a foe, and gain extra damage to the flanked target for an amount equal to the number of energy expended.   Higher Ground (energy): When you commit to an attack on elevation, you can add an extra 1 damage for every 10ft and more the enemy is above or below you.   Coroner’s Eyes (passive): When attacking, you treat a target’s partial cover as no cover.   Lunging Rush (energy): As a part of a successful attack action, you can lunge 15ft forward to strike an enemy. This still counts as though you would have thrown your weapon and recovered it immediately; as such, you do not take disadvantage from this attack. When you strike a foe with a successful attack action, anyone adjacent to your target makes a physical save or is knocked down. from If an enemy (up to 5) is(/are) directly adjacent, they must make a Physical Save or be Knocked Down for 1, 2, 3 turns.   Wind-Up (energy): For 1, 2, 3 rounds, your range is doubled.   Formidable Defense (energy): You make it difficult for others to hit you. Look at your current Armor Rating, the number of successes counted in a single roll it takes to hit you. You can increase your armor rating by spending an amount of energy plus your current Armor Rating to equal six spend. This lasts from the end of your turn to the start of your next turn.


A warrior with a returning weapon is just as dangerous when he sends out the weapon as when the weapon starts its way back. The game becomes managing the space and one's patience.   Returning Weapons have a range of nearby only, but always return to the player's hand after use unless specifically specified by the player.   Returning Abilities
Shifty (passive): For one round starting after you throw your returning weapon with it failing to return to you, enemies have disadvantage to hit you.   Flanking Strike (energy): When you hit an enemy with a successful attack action in the back, this counts as flanking for the round.   Ricochetting Return (energy): As part of a successful attack action, you ricochet an attack off another object to hit an enemy behind cover. On fail, your weapon hits the intended objects but clatters to the ground. Your weapon gains an additional 15ft of movement with this ability.   Ride the Wind (passive): You gain an extra 15ft of movement after throwing your weapon during the next interaction phase, whether you hit or not.   Snatch (energy): you may pick up your weapon if it has fallen to the ground before you could catch it. This does not provoke an attack of opportunity or a contesting roll.   Chaining Strike (energy): As part of a successful attack action, you can chain your weapon between multiple targets that must be within 15 ft of one another. You roll a base amount to hit, which is counted for all chained enemies, but minus one damage for each target struck after the first. If the weapon moved within the designated and free 15ft of extra movement, it does not drain the weapon’s movement. Any movement outside this 15 simply drains from your weapon’s regular movement.   Not So Fast (energy): As a reaction when targetted when you are without your weapon, you can attempt to stun an enemy until the start of your next turn. The target makes a physical save. On success, nothing happens. On fail, they are stunned for the duration.   Whirlwind (energy): You commit to a whirlwind attack to strike enemies within a 10ft radius of you as part of your action. Your weapon will always return to you when using this ability. Each enemy makes a physical save. On success, they take half damage. On fail, they take the full damage.   Slip Between Their Fingers (energy): You can expend one energy to receive no attacks of opportunity for the interaction phase.


While you prefer to keep your distance, you are seen dashing around your foes with weapons that play with fire as much as you do.   Fired Weapons have a range between engaged and nearby, with anything further having disadvantage.   Fired Abilities
All or Nothing (energy): When you target and attempt to attack an enemy for the first time during a combat scene, you can double your damage in exchange for a weapon flaw.   Crossfire (energy): When you are hit by a ranged attack within your weapon’s range, you can expend energy as part of your reaction to attempt to fire back. Make an attack action.   Fan the Hammer (energy): You can shoot a maximum of targets in the same zone as you equal to your expertise modifieras part of your complex action. Make a separate attack roll for each target.   A Shot of Confidence (passive):If an enemy misses an attack within 30ft of you, you can deal an extra 2 damage to them during your turn.   Metal Sap (energy): As part of your attack action, you can make a melee attack with the butt of your gun. Doing so causes the target to make a Physical Save. On success, nothing happens. On fail, the target is staggered for 2 turns.   Kinks in the Armor (energy): At the start of your turn, you can pick a target who you can see, looking for weak spots. The target makes a Social Save. On fail, their armor is reduced by an amount equal to energy you spend until the start of your next turn and they have disadvantage to save and skill checks. Anyone who attacks the target benefits from your ability.   Brandish (energy): When speaking to an NPC, you can place your firearm (Fired Weapon Type), metaphorically or literally, on the table to up the stakes of a conversation. The NPC drops one attitude toward the party, but their reaction is rolled at advantage, allowing for a better chance at that best possible outcome. If the NPC is already hostile to the party, you can use this ability to start a combat scene instead with everyone being allowed a chance to act before the initiative is even taken.   Save Our Skins (passive): You can send a flare and call for help regardless of the materials or ammuntiition you possess, visible from up to 10 miles away. Anyone who sees your flair who then seeks to help you can move more quickly toward you, using their free action and reaction to gain them extra movement when using zones, and triple the otherwise normal abstract movement in cases without zones.   (energy): You can dual wield Fired Weapon Types. When you do this, you can expend an energy to attack with your other firearm weapon.


As at home in the heat of battle as any of your melee combatants, your Close-range is lethal to any who dare step into your arena.   Trick Weapons have a range nearby, with anything further having disadvantage.   Trick Abilities
Death’s Scowl (energy): You can expend your reaction to frighten targets equal to your Expertise modifier (minimum 1) that can see you. The target(s) makes a Social Save. On fail, they spend the movement on their turn to disengage from you and move away into the adjacent zone. On a half-pass or pass, nothing happens.   Recoil (energy): You can prevent a weapon flaw at a cost to yourself. By spening an energy, you instead take the damage your weapon would have dealt if you had successfully, normally hit.   Take a Breather (energy): Your character can regain health and energy equal to your expertise modifier times the number of rounds you consecutively commit to not moving. When you Take a Breather, you spend one and only one energy and your character can no longer move until the start of your next round, when you can there decide if you want to again commit to not moving.   You Should See the Other Guy (passive): When bloodied, you gain an extra 2 armor.   (energy):   (passive): social   (energy):   (passive): travel   (energy): utility


Some say to shoot at a distance is cowardly, but those are comments from the brash and fearful.   Projectile Weapons have a range between nearby and far away, with anything further having disadvantage.   Projectile Abilities
Long Shot (energy): When shooting a ranged weapon at disadvantage due to range, you can double the damage done.   Sentinel (energy): If you commit to not moving for the round, you gain a stacking increase to your damage per round, to a maximum value equal to your expertise modifier. To reiterate When you spend an energy to activate this ability, your movement drops to zero regardless of any other effects on you. This does not affect your ability to take cover, however, or stand up in place from cover. At the start of your next turn you gain +1 to your weapon's damage; for every round you commit to not moving thereafter, the damage increases by 1. Damage gained by this ability cannot exceed your expertise modifier.   Cracked Jaw (energy): You can spend an energy to attempt to punch a target engaged with you. Your fists do not count as a weapon type unless the character has the Blunt Weapon “Savage Blows” ability equipped. On hit, the target falls prone for rounds equal to your expertise modifier.   Reposition (Passive): When hit with a ranged attack, you can choose to move in the following ways: move anywhere within the same zone and take cover, OR move into an adjacent zone.   Hunter's Grace (energy)When you have a bow in your equipment bow in a social scene and you spend one energy, any guardsmen and hunters are inherently friendly toward you for that social scene.   Blindman's Watchtower (Passive): When a target enters or exits within your weapon's range, regardless if you can see them, you become aware of them. You make an attack of opportunity without expending your reaction but at disadvantage. On hit, you do normal weapon damage.   Eye of the Tracker (energy): You freely mark a single target as part of your reaction. They cannot become hidden from you and they do not benefit from cover for rounds equal to your expertise modifier.   Patient Lung (passive): You can hold your breath for 5 minutes.   Eagleye (energy): You can commit to staying perfectly still, and in return, you can look across an area, and where it is unobstructed to you, you can see up to a mile away.
Generic article | Apr 8, 2022


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