The Colour Armies (technically seperate but they all operate in the same manner) Military Formation in CHG/Central Human Gov't. "Where we at and how we at here?" | World Anvil
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The Colour Armies (technically seperate but they all operate in the same manner)

One day, the CHG rose to power because of roughly half of the army turned on the UHN and won against the other half, who stayed loyal due to a sudden increase in their payments and privileges. Not wanting to fall prey to their own trick, they split the army between the Red, Blue, Yellow and Green armies, whose members (including those all the way at the top) were basically banned from contacting one another directly (unless there's an emergency like the supreme god of their universe, author-peep, flinging a Tyrranid ripoff into the mix), so that none of them could organize a coup (or it would at least be more difficult).

Thanks to good ol' time, things have grown more complex within the CHG military since then but still have 90% of the soldiers and resources and do all of the straight-up combat.



90% of all military personnel are in one of these armies.


Swiss Army Knife 7: Complete With Credit to Alphadore Kevin and other goodies. The CHG focuses heavily on making sure its soldiers can out-class enemies without having to be technologically ahead, which basically means making better stuff of the same tech level and training extremely capable troops. That includes giving them tonnes of cool tools to work with.


Varies quite a bit but the soldiers that are actually being deployed are just given better versions of what the enemy has, with exception to quick cleanup crews who have the very important job of making sure no enemies live to loot the battlefield of dangerous tech. For example, the LIR has plasma shielding and plasma guns, so CHG soldiers use the same against the LIR but with more plasma shielding and more plasma guns so that they can't steal and reverse-engineer black hole guns or anything of the sort.


The WVL2141 "Sadistic Punisher" is just one of tonnes of vehicles they use against the xeno and rebel scum.


Supreme General -> High General -> General -> Lesser General -> A fleet of 20 or so ships with each ship having a Space Captain -> Commanders -> Captains that aren't space captains because they're ground captains -> soldiers in squads of 10.


They vary quite a bit but they're usually ones which have been honed to perfection against specific predictable enemies.


2 years in VR headsets experiencing time 5x faster in there and being trained in everything while the headset itself mucks with your brain to make you learn faster and become more skills meanwhile nanobots are injected into you which are designed to increase strength and the efficiency of the body. There's also a thing of genetic modification but all said modifications can be undone and everyone is sterilized while working in the army so that they can't have any half-human genetic scum. After that it's even more training whenever they're not fighting, eating, sleeping or taking the downtime necessary for them to not go insane.


Logistical Support

Tonnes of food, tonnes of resources, tonnes of different supply sources and lines to choose from when going on campaigns.


They can help one another as auxilia in dire circumstances.


Costs about 23% of all duplicated material from the matter duplicator.


People sign up willingly, usually using their previous positions as Defense Force members as a stepping stone, and have to pass some tests to get in. Once that's done the training begins and there's always a chance of getting kicked out if you mess up.


Historical loyalties

Usually very loyal to the CHG but that part about VR is utilized against the CHG to make many soldiers not-so-loyal. Will abandon their formations to save those they love (such as if their planet happens to be under attack by robots) and so on.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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