The WVL2141 "Sadistic Punisher" Vehicle in CHG/Central Human Gov't. "Where we at and how we at here?" | World Anvil
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The WVL2141 "Sadistic Punisher"

The Sadistic Punisher is a mobile sensory weapon that doubles as a form of soldier transport in the field.

Ya see buckaroos: the Sadistic Punisher is able to produce countless sounds within and without the range of human hearing and can specifically address the range of hearing for different alien species to cause deafness and utter agony. But it doesn't stop there because the thing has hologram equipment with which it can create holograms of any colour in the magnetic spectrum with any amount of glowiness and in a quick summary this is used to cause blindness in enemy aliens. You are a fool to think we're done here because it will even attack taste and smell by releasing specific substances into the air for causing agony, disability or death to enemy aliens. In other words this thing is a war crime on wheels.

Thanks to all of this, however, aliens will usually put taking these out as a priority because "I don't wanna go blind Glagweck!" and so these things get rekked pretty quickly out in the field.

Power Generation

Has both fusion and fission batteries that double as nuclear bombs if the situation really calls for it.


Can either use magnetic boosters in human-built urban areas on the magnetic roads or use spikey wheels.

Weapons & Armament

They come with 4 or 5 automatic turrets for defense but also have that Sadistic Punishing method.

Armor and defense

3.5 feet thick armouring that includes gravity shielding, tight laser nets, plasma shielding, good ol' super-dense titanium that comes complete with being able to magnetise to push plasma and railgun shots away and the fact that the turrets can shoot enemy projectiles with their own projectiles.

Communication Tools & Systems

"Radios", portal chat, wifi if on human-controlled planet, the punisher speakers can double as a way of telling troops what to do if their radios stop working, the ability to send up light beams to human-controlled space stations or plasma beams as an equivalent to rescue flares or to do so in a military code.


Cameras that detect most of the electromagnetic spectrum, including gamma and radio waves. Sound recorders, air testers "it is not safe for you to leave this vehicle, Dave", magnetic sensors, often in an AI hive mind with other vehicles so that nothing goes unknown.

Additional & auxiliary systems

Every one of these comes with a repair bot to be used on destroyed vehicles so that they can be used for the CHG.

Hangars & docked vessels

Pretty much every CHG facility comes with some of these, except for the smaller space ones as they're not that useful there.
Sadistic Punisher
If we're gonna lose due to being hopelessly outnumbered, we might as well make sure that the lives of our enemies are filled with nothing but pain afterwards.
Owning Organization
Terrifyingly cheap as it's basically hologram, sound producing and gas-canisters-that-produce-specific-substances equipment attached to a normal whizzer.
The CHG likes to open battles with the deployment of one or more of these to leave a large portion of the enemy forces incapable of fighting.
10 meters
4 meters
47.8 tonnes
572 mph (yes this bad boi breaks the sound barrier and does so in under 5 seconds)
Complement / Crew
The thing works mostly on AIs but there's always at least one person there who can override everything with manual and voice controls in case the AIs get hacked.
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
Can carry dozens of troops who have magnets in their armour that allow them to cling onto the top of the vehicle (getting up there with feet jetpacks).


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