Freya 9, a bio-world.
What if a planet had so much bio-matter on it that the stuff just piled up into layers upon layers of life where the main thing beings compete for isn't food but space? Welcome to a case of terraforming working too well.
2 moons and extremely calm tectonic activity. High oxygen and carbon dioxide levels due to so many plants and animals.
Fauna & Flora
Plants growing out of plants growing out of hills which are fungi and so on with hundreds of meters of living bio-matter below your feet as you walk around. The sheer quantity of food available, as well as all that oxygen, allows for some utterly massive predators that will probably just stalk you to find out what you're about because they don't need to worry about food. You can't go more than 10 steps without stepping on a "little critter", except the critters here are larger than rabbits.
The hills have glowing mouths into which they lure unsuspecting prey to be eaten by cave creatures whose excrements are then food for the hills. Meanwhile the hill is covered in all manners of plants and fungi. It's completely bonkers.
Natural Resources
Well it's a good place to go to get bio-matter.
Alternative Name(s)
The First Bio-World, Main Freya, etc.
Owning Organization
Related Ethnicities
Contested By