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The most desolate and remote region of Cerilia is called Vosgaard. It's a harsh land that produces harsh people. It lies in the north-eastern reaches of the land, beyond the Drachenaur Mountains and north of the Rhuannadaraight. The cold waters of the Leviathan's Reach form the northern border of Vosgaard, and to the east lie the stormy waters of the Sea of Dragons.   The other human races of Cerilia are inclined to view the Vos as evil barbarians, savages, and marauders, but this isn't an entirely truthful assessment. The Vos, once followers of Vorynn who were corrupted by Azrai, have their cities and kingdoms, and there are heroes of noble bearing among them. It's important to remember that by their own standards Vos warriors are acting with honor when they raid and pillage the lands of the Brecht or the Khinasi. And while no one will ever accuse a Vos berserker of subterfuge or subtlety, it's also true that a person always knows where he stands with a Vos warrior.   The code of courage and violent tendencies of Vos warriors and rulers have made north-eastern Cerilia a battlefield for the settling of their differences and feuds. The Vos hold "weaker" cultures in contempt and view the other peoples of Cerilia as potential slaves or enemies, but they absolutely hate each other. Travelers in Vosgaard should go to great lengths to avoid associating themselves with any particular chieftain or baronet -- it's dangerous to take sides, even by placing oneself under a chieftain's protection.   Some of the land is considered inhospitable not just because of the weather and climate, but also because of some of the awnshegh that lurk here. It surprises no one that monsters like that have no problem surviving in a place like this, but it also creates even more fear of these awnsheghs considering how easily they seem to survive it.


Vosgaard is a land of stark natural beauty, with impassable mountains and glaciers, vast belts of northern taiga, and bitter wind-swept plains.

Fauna & Flora

Much like the Rjurik lands, Vosgaard suffers from extremely cold winters and is haunted by monsters of all varieties. Life is difficult and violent in the lands of the Vos. Consequently, they are a fierce people who believe that might makes right.
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