Sunstone Material in Cathrea | World Anvil


Ah yes, the dazzling Sunstone. Found in form of special ores which have been lit by various magical energies underground. This magical material is the direct counterpart to Moonstone and harmonizes extraordinarily well with it.
— All knowing Lohrk
Referenced in the Magic Tinkers Graver article.


Material Characteristics

Sunstone ore is hardly distinguishable from normal stone rocks. Finding it without external help proves to be next to impossible. When exposed to a moderate amount of Magicules however, the rocks containing Sunstone essence begin to light up. When extracted, and after breaking its initial shell, a bright, hot light, reminiscent of a flame, will pour out of the stone. Even when taking a glance at the found gem, one can not help to compare it to fire inside of a forge.

Geology & Geography

Contrary to what the name suggests, Sunstone is only found undergrounds, since the amount of light outdoors would instantly let the Sunstone evaporate. A small amount of light is sufficient to charge tese gems. Knowing this, the passive light some underground species like Hollow Shaytan Spiders and Primal Sparked Firefly emit keep the ore alive.

History & Usage

Everyday use

Sunstone is used to not only enhance weaponry like arrow heads and swords to emit magical attributes, it is also a prime component of Generic Astralica. Accessories and jewelery are also no strangers to Sunstone, as its gorgeous amber color is recognizeable from miles away.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Word from the common tongue suggests that Sunstone, as well as a handful of other materials are blessings from mother nature, Nev'eya herself. The population often prays to thank her for the wealth they gained from the ores harvested.
As the sun not only thrives on the horizon, but also in the darkest places of our lives, we have nothing to fear. Thank Nev'eya, the goddess to bring us wealth and health alike.
— workers


In its base state, the Sunstone is way too hot to touch with a mortals hands. Its potency, however, can be measured by determining its temperature. While a Grade 4 ores temperature lies at around 1000°C, the lowest grade Sunstone only has around 200°C to its name. When first found, the thought flashing through peoples minds was to cool it off, but that could not be further from the actual use, as it looses all its properties. To make Sunstone useful, its temperature has to be increased close to its melting point while surrounding it with other components, like ordinary rocks. Once the 1400°C temperature has been reached, it gradually starts to emit heat and distribute it towards it surroundings, naturally cooling off. After the cooling process has finished, it is ready to be tinkered with.


Trade & Market

Found on every towns market, Sunstone, as well as Moonstone, is a widely known and sought after product. Its influence on the magics, gravers, and jewelers market can not be looked over.


golden amber
Boiling / Condensation Point
Common State
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Cover image: by ecl1psed


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