Space of Beginning Geographic Location in Cathrea | World Anvil

Space of Beginning

Where the story begins.

Credits: ecl1psed

A plane full of potential

The Space of Beginning is a plane full of raw, attributeless and clear Magicules. No time, no space, nothing. This place was destined to evolve and create something so vast and full of mysteries, that even after countless reincarnations, one can only dream about exploring it all. It was both the most peaceful and the most fierce, the most calm and the most chaotic, the most lively and the most dead place there ever was.



The Space of Beginning is the only plane without a size. It is just a big cluster of magicules.


Although there is no space, the magicules are duplicating a million-fold every passing moment. Causing the plane to dense up immensly. This just fuels the power of the Space of Beginning.


The magicules duplicated by letting their core collide with each other. As a result of the process, the parent particles get knocked back. This process repeats infinetely and it's duplication speed rises exponentially fast.  


Once the magicules condensed to the extent that the duplication process got too wild and unpredictable, The Space of Beginning could not handle the amount of this dangerous substance and imploded. The impact of this event can not be compared with any word in existence. It was just utter chaos. The implosion lasts on to this day and is still not done reaching the end of a plane which has no beginning. Yet this action marked the beginning of a new era. An era full of life.


The magicules split into the four celestial elements and created the four celestial godfigures "Aagdar, Urgee, Juva and Jala".
Even nothingness can bring upon, a new beginning.
Alternative Name(s)
Infinite Nothingness, Plane of Endless Possibilities
Dimensional plane

Cover image: by ecl1psed


Author's Notes

This marks the basis of all the events happening in Cathrea. Every element, timeline, creature, structure, language, ... is derived from the fate of this realm.

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