Aagdar Character in Cathrea | World Anvil


element: creation

Credits: ecl1psed

Celestial Godfigure Aagdar

The Mistress of Creation

Aagdar, the cold, yet beautiful natural born leader. Her decisiveness and situational judgement solidify her role as the ruler. Although her peers hate her character and her way of talking, they can't help but follow her into battle.

Divine Domains

Aagdar watches over every single solar system in existence, with the exception of Avemoor.

Holy Books & Codes

There was only one book in existence ever that recorded the characteristics and stories of Aagdar, The Divine Book of Celestial Godfigures. But it is long lost and todays civilization does not even know of the existence of Aagdar.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

She strives to keep the peace of all worlds. Although her cold character makes her seem to be just another power hungry goddess, she cares for the peace in the universe.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Aagdar, in her preferred form, shows herself with a witch-like appearance. Although her face looks as pretty as the stars themselves, her clothes resemble the dead.

Specialized Equipment

She uses a magical, floating cube, the Creators Die, to fight her enemies.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

She single handedly created almost every single planet, star, black hole in the entire universe.

Intellectual Characteristics

She is a harsh woman, only concerned on two things: keeping the balance in the entire universe and wiping out the eight primal gods she so dearly hates. Although a very dedicated person, she is incapable of receiving criticism.


Family Ties


She is always frank with her thoughts towards everybody else. She can control herself to a certain extent, but bursts as soon as her decisions get questioned.
"I, who rule them all!"

Personal Information

Divine Classification
Celestial Godfigure
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Celestial Godfigure
Date of Birth
1st of the First Blessing, 1000000 BAP
Year of Birth
1000000 BAP 1001642 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
A result of The Emergence
Jala (Sister)
Jala (Sister)
Jala (Sister)
Current Residence
black, stars swirling
long, dark purple, stars, floating
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
smooth light brown
Eye concept

Cover image: by ecl1psed


Author's Notes

My first created god. Tell me what you think of Aagdar in the comments.

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