Juva Character in Cathrea | World Anvil


The Unnoticed Tactician

Celestial Godfigure Juva

The Baron of Knowledge

He is as put together and focused as one could be, while at the same time caring for the ones he holds most close.

Holy Books & Codes

He has two books written about him which both are lost today.
  • The Ancient Tacticians Philosophy
  • The Divine Book of Celestial Godfigures

Divine Goals & Aspirations

He devotes his life to his sister in hopes of her forgiving him for not protecting her. But is it her he seeks forgiveness from? Or just... himself?

Physical Description

Facial Features

He has shiny green eyes with a strange book as pupil which flips it's page whenever he casts a spell. No one knows which book it is. What secrets does it hide?

Physical quirks

He normally does not show himself as a big, 10 meter deity, but rather as an average 190cm guy, hiding his eyes behind a mask.

Specialized Equipment

He carries a book with smeared, unreadable title and blank pages with him and casts spells with it.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Together with his sister Jala he created every living thing in the entire universe.

Failures & Embarrassments

He failed to protect the one thing he holds most dear, his sister. Now the joyful Jala has to walk around the worlds without the ability to morph into her mortal form.

Intellectual Characteristics

Although he is the Baron of Knowledge, he does not care for all the knowledge he wields. Urgee is way more profound than him in that field. He is, however, a great tactician and his mind sometimes works wonders. He can come up with a plan in seconds that barely has any room for errors, uncertainties and inconsistencies.


Family Ties


Juva has this tick where he would start explaining one of his plans to someone and completely looses himself in it. When he then finally gets reminded that he has been talking for twenty minutes, he gets really embarrassed.
"Those without knowledge do not posess souls"
Divine Classification
Celestial Godfigure
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Book of Books
Year of Birth
1000000 BAP 1001642 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
A result of The Emergence
bright green, book pupils
short, light brown, blonde highlights
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale white, freckles
Eye concept:

Cover image: by ecl1psed


Author's Notes

This is Juva, the twin-obsessed-tactician. I didn't really know what to do with him, so if you have any suggestions, don't hesitate to leave a comment.

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