the Nazarine River Geographic Location in Calradia | World Anvil

the Nazarine River

"Eventually, all things merge into one, and a river runs through it. This river was cut by the world's first great flood and runs over rocks from the basement of time. On some of the rocks are timeless raindrops that can remember visions of eras gone by. Under the rocks are the words, and some of the words are theirs."
The Nazarine River is also known as "the highway" to many Imperials. The river runs straight through the The Western Calradian Empire heartlands from it's source at Lake Nyestra. The river fuels the farmlands, forests, and travel for some of the most densely populated areas on the continent, and is thus a very busy place. The forestlands along it's shores are not dense, and are ideal places for hunting, logging, and small scale farming. [If there was going to be idyllic high fantasy farmland, forests, and rolling hills, this would be it].    There is significant boat traffic up and down the lower portion of the Nazarine, especially to towns near Nazzareth and Lageta. Any beasts that had once existed in this river have long been exterminated, and if anything the river's only struggle is with pollution during dry seasons.    The Upper Nazarine, that runs along the border of the The Western Calradian Empire and The Eastern Calradian empire is an entirely different story. The region along that part of the river has become a wasteland, as back and forth warfare has left it devoid of most life on either side. The townsfolk downriver frequently complain, but sometimes rejoice, as weapons, armour, and trinkets float down the river as battles rage on. But the longer the war goes, the more that some say the river begins to smell of iron...
Alternative Name(s)
the highway
Owning Organization


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