Marsaxlok Bay Geographic Location in Calradia | World Anvil

Marsaxlok Bay

"I have never seen such beauty, and as ideal a place for the civilized man, as the towns and cities along the gleaming coastlines of Marsaxlok Bay" - Imperial Golden Age Scholar
Marsaxlok bay is an off-shoot of the The Nordic Sea near the city of Argoros. It is long been used as a safe place for imperial navy ships to rest, as the entrance to the bay can be well protected and patrolled against both raiders and monsters attempting to cross into the bay. Because of this, that Order Nautilus has an outpost on it's coast, and The Eastern Calradian empire has numerous naval-based towns in the bay. These towns are fed by the plentiful fish that seem to endlessly breed in the depths of the bay, creating the largest steady food source in this part of the continent.    In addition, the bay has created a small micro-climate caused by the mysteriously warm waters of the bay, making it an unusually warm and idyllic place to live.    this makes the bay a target for raiding by the Tsardom of the Vaegirs, and many attempts have been made to breach it, but none have been successful yet.    However, the covetousness of outsiders for this strategic and beautiful location has made the citizens of the bay extremely xenophobic, and are barely willing to allow merchants into their walled towns.


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