
The Kwewu are one of the more aloof and distant members of the The People of Two Seasons , preferring culturally to keep largely to themselves aside from larger issues and when called upon in times of need. They are a nomadic tribe that roam the plains at the edges of Honauwa and Angwusi territory, and down along the eastern banks of Sanctuary . Despite their cultural nature of being fairly isolationist, they are tenaciously loyal to the confederacy and never turn away a member of another tribe in need. They are very wary of strangers, and extremely dangerous when cornered, and share a unique bond with their spirit bound animal companions, the wolves.


The Kwewu tribe is nomadic, and as such, it is divided into smaller groups or packs that move together. Each band is led by a pack leader, usually a respected elder or a person of proven leadership. Within the larger tribe as a whole, the Kwewu have a council of elders who are responsible for making decisions affecting the entire tribe. The council is made up of representatives from each pack, and meet from time to time to discuss important matters such as hunting grounds, alliances, and trade. This council is overseen by the Chieftain of the tribe, who leads the largest pack personally. Given the importance of their spiritual connection with wolves, the Kwewu tribe have several Singers of the Last Breath  who are responsible for leading ceremonies and rites regarding life and death within the tribe. There is one singer for every pack, and the title is hereditary being passed from Singer to the child deemed most adept at the skills needed to perform the role.   Central to their culture, the Kwewu have a warrior class that is responsible for defending the tribe against external threats. These individuals are tested constantly and train vigorously to fulfill their role in their society, and it is viewed as a high honor to serve their people in this way. They are regarded as some of the most skilled fighters among the People of Two Seasons.


The culture of the Kwewu tribe is a rich tapestry of art, spirituality, and survival skills, and their way of life is closely tied to their relationship with the natural world, and their identity as a tribe is deeply rooted in their spiritual beliefs and their connection to their wolf counterparts. As a nomadic tribe, the Kwewu rely on hunting and gathering for survival, and they have a deep respect for the animals they hunt and the plants they gather which is reflected in their daily lives in the form of thanks being offered for the sacrifice of life and the part it plays in the over all cycle of death and rebirth so prevalent in their society.   Art is an important expression of their culture, and they create intricate beadwork and quillwork, as well as painted hides and other decorative objects to do this, these items often used to adorn their clothes and equipment, as well as offered as tokens of friendship and respect to those that earn those roles. They are also known for their storytelling, with tales of heroism and spiritual significance passed down from generation to generation in a rich oral tradition.   The Kwewu tribe's encompassing identity is closely tied to their nomadic lifestyle and their spiritual connection to the wolves. They may have a strong sense of community and family ties, and are fiercely protective of their way of life and their people.


The Kwewu played one of the largest roles in the defense against the onslaught of the Bonedancers, and because of this, were largely responsible for the defeat of their enemy, however, they also suffered significant losses which set their tribe back a great deal in terms of population and growth. While they continue to recover, the memory of this remains for many, as a large number of their losses were due to the desperate joining that occured by many with their wolves in order to bolster their offensive abilities. Many of these lost Sahahimu still remain to wander in some of the remote and unpopulated areas of the island, minds consumed with their feral natures and unable to reason or communicate.


The Kwewu claim the plains along the northern regions, south of the Angwusi territory all the way to the Eastern shores. Their nomadic lifestyle ranges throughout this area with no stationary settlements remaining in one place for too long.


The Kwewu warriors are known for their fearlessness in battle and believe that their bond with their wolves gives them a significant edge in combat, allowing them to face their enemies with courage and confidence. They are highly athletic and agile, able to move quickly and dodge attacks, having highly trained and practiced acrobatic maneuvers they use to avoid enemy fire and to gain an advantage in combat. They are skilled archers, using their bows to whittle down opponents at range as they slowly surround and move in on their targets, able to use their familiarity with the land to adapt and move through terrain nearly undetectable as they do, switching to their deadly hand axes for both short distance thrown weapons and close quarter combat.    The Kwewu are passionately loyal to their own tribe and the confederacy as well. Their highly trained warriors being adaptive, resourceful, and fast, already make them a formidable danger, but due to this loyalty, they are also said to be dedicated enough as to sacrifice themselves willingly in defense of their people and ways.

Technological Level

Due to their nomadic way of life, most innovations of this tribe are methods used in things like hunting and gathering, and in the construction of their homes, which are built using natural materials like animal hides and furs to create durable, insulated structures that can be easily disassembled and moved. They are also extremely knowledgeable about matters of astronomy and have an innate knack in matters of navigation as long as they can see the sky.


The Kwewu tribe's spiritual beliefs revolve around their connection to nature and their relationship with wolves. They believe that wolves themselves are messengers that receive wisdom from the dreams of the moon, and that their bond with wolves gives them access to spiritual knowledge and guidance.


The traditional home of a member of the Kwewu tribe is a cone shaped tent with a frame made up of long wooden poles, typically around 5 to 7 meters long, that are lashed together at the top to form a cone shape. The bottom of the poles are spread out in a circle on the ground, and additional poles are added to create a doorway. The covering is made of animal hides and is wrapped around the frame of the dwelling, with the covering then fastened in place using wooden pegs, laces, or other fasteners. The covering is often decorated with painted designs or symbols depicting wolves or the moon. At the top of the tent is a smoke flap that can be opened or closed to allow smoke from the fire to escape which is held open using long poles that are inserted into loops at the top of the structure.    The interior of the tent is typically sparse, with a fire pit in the center of the floor for heating and cooking, bedding, mats, and other personal items usually arranged around the perimeter of the home. This is not just a practical shelter, but also a spiritual and cultural symbol for the tribe. The placement of the poles, the orientation of the entrance, and the decorations on the covering all hold cultural and spiritual significance.    
Founding Date
2800 AR
Geopolitical, Tribe
Alternative Names
The Pack
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Barter system
Official State Religion
Related Species

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