Plato's Tales Myth in Café Noir | World Anvil

Plato's Tales

Many believe that the writings of plato are based on facts.
The story was first told in Plato's dialogue, "Critias," written about 400 B.C. and this work: 'Plato's origins of Atlantis' is, as you might expect, all about Atlantis. He describes in minute detail what and how this world was. The Atlantis that Plato described in his writings was a dark and grim society. He made clear that 'Atlantis is the embodiment of a materially wealthy, technologically advanced, and militarily powerful nation that has become corrupted by its wealth, sophistication, and might.'

There is no proof of such an city and it's existence nor is there any material found, ever, to back that up. The sunken city remains a mystery and the tales told are not told anywhere else. There are no records found in any other know society. No written stories, nothing. yet... the tale has taken a wide flight and many people believe its true. The search for it in the oceans.

This fact of lack in written history or evidence found elsewhere is for most people a sign of rubbish, fake, nonsense. The vampire of earth also think its a imaginary world or fantasy by Plato, at the time of his writing already 897 years old.It's also unclear (even to Vampires) where Plato found his information.


Atlantis did exist and for normal people this is unacceptable. The Pope has declared Atlantis as non existent. Vampires however, do know that there was eons ago a location called Atlantis

Historical Basis

Plato, actually a Vampire told those stories to keep the legend alive. He wasn't the first and he wasn't the last to tell the tales of Atlantis and the disaster that befell the great nation. It's unclear why the vampire race want to keep the memory alive.


Word of mouth, storytelling, hyroglyphs in piramid of Gizah

Variations & Mutation

Atlantis is a Garden of Eden
Atlantis is the City of the Sun

Cultural Reception

most cultures on earth are known to implement the words of Plato into their history.

In Literature

There are several books written with a culture of Atlantis in mind.
Jules Verne wrote a short essay and did never write again over Atlantis.

In Art

several paintings are made, by leonardo da Vinci, Nostradamus added drawings to his notes.
Summer Camp 2020 Article

Truth about the Tales

The tale of plato is partially true. Atlantis atlantis-elvenshoes-archived-1611859223 did exist, was technologically highly advanced and 'Aivitu' created life as part of the terraforming process. due to an accident a catastrophic disaster followed and Atlantis left Earth as the terraforming seemed to have failed beyond standard parameters.

Date of Setting
500 million years ago.


Author's Notes

Due to the Summer Camp 2020 i am jumping back and forth in time, writing articles that might have discrepancy in the timeline. Plato's Tales are not consistent in the larger lines. The link is embeded in Plato's true origin (story) but still not very strong (discrepancies in time).

The two worlds are as worlds bonded by events in time and locations throughout our solar system. The articles fill some gaps for future writings of Café Noir, and to finish them for the Summer Camp i tried to write them in such a way they do not have to change after summercamp is done

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