B.A.R.K. Accord Document in Café Noir | World Anvil

B.A.R.K. Accord

Many private military organisations come at a price. You pay them to use their services. And those prices can be steep. very steep. The B.A.R.K. Accord is an agreement between the organisation and any government with an army that turns this all upside down. The simple translation is that in the case they sign the accord BARK pays for supporting services, in return the get to pick military as they seem fit. There is an hefty som of money involved as compensation and for the replacement. There is nothing to stop BARK from just buying the wanted military (this happens when they target a private military contractor. - once they bought the whole PMC just to get what the needed.) The newly acquired persons are not to be used in militairy conflict. The governments and BARK have signed agreements and lots of other documents as part of the Accord to assure that secrets stay secret. When a governement is disagreeing BARK has very convining evidence that they already have knowledge of their secrets. Several secret agents have tried to get access to the secrets known by BARK, but none have succeeded. They where all send back, unharmed with a note that it is illegal to do so.   The agreement works very well as B.A.R.K. gets a pick of soldiers, and is able to participate in certain operations (especially when the governement tried to infiltrate the BARK facilities. The operations BARK tags along are formally only for some form of military support, but in general they have another agenda.   Sometimes, when there are two opposing armies fighting around a target that is deemed important to BARK, the organisation manipulates the two sides with leads, information and disinformation to shift and tilt the balance. The Accord is very well known to the high ranking military, and governments. BARK also has a clause that they can act and react on leaking of intel regarding to the accord or the actions.


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