Horn of the Abyss Building / Landmark in Blinding Veil | World Anvil

Horn of the Abyss

"I've always thought I've understood my home. Today, however, I realized we've only scratched the surface." - Karrun Gunnay, Roctane Scholar

Written by: jester2b
Cover Art by: Rafael Sewa

The Hidden Tower

In a bid to chart out a viable path to harvest Ancient Titan Bone, Nayya found herself in a vast, empty cavern in the deepest layers of the Putrid Depths. Little did she know at that moment she had discovered a strange structure that had laid abandoned for countless centuries underground. When she returned with a team of researchers, they uncovered more questions than answers.

Standing Over a Field of Bones

"The memory will always be with me. I entered a wide cavern filled with nothing but bones. Before I even saw it I knew there was something wasn't right with that cavern. " - Nayya Kollurrya, Roctane Explorer
When Nayya and her team of explorers investigated the mysterious tower, they grew more confused. The tower was made of polished black stone, its floors were made of strange metallic tiles. The exact purpose of the structure couldn't be determined, the common hypothesis is that it served as a watchtower of some kind. Curiouser still was the fact that more floors were going down underneath layers of stone. As with the other floors, the buried levels were barren of anything that would indicate their purpose. Every floor seemed like this, save for the tower's very top.  

The Corpse

"That thing, whatever it is, is not of this world and it doesn't belong here. Demon or not, I can still feel its malice and wickedness." - Karrun Gunnay, Roctane Scholar
The top of the tower held the strangest discovery of them all. Overlooking the vast cavern was the petrified body of an unknown creature. Its shape was humanoid, but its features were seemingly made of exposed bone or chitin. Its hand had four fingers with sharpened ends, and the corpse's mouth was partially open, showing its jagged maw of razor-sharp teeth. Within the corpse's skull were the indents of four eye holes that sat on its head diagonally. The head was adorned with what looked like a ceremonial headdress, though some propose that its headpiece is its horns. What the creature remains unknown, and with the treacherous path to get to the tower, bringing it to the surface for examination remains impossible.   The body was lying on an altar at the center of the room, clutching a strange tablet in its hands. The tablet was marked with unknown symbols, which glowed a faint purple color. The team took the tablet with them when they returned to the surface. They gave the tablet to the Sellunar in Mor Iristalnak for study. The mages would learn what this tablet was capable of and come to name it the Extinction Sigil.
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