Putrid Depths Geographic Location in Blinding Veil | World Anvil

Putrid Depths

"I've heard that many cultures believe there is a afterlife of horror and torment for the wicked. Little did they know that already exists. The difference is, the wicked don't find themselves here, its the brave and foolish." - Abandoned Journal

Written by: jester2b
Cover Art by: Rafael Sewa

Abyss for the Dying

Underneath Stelwen sits a massive, continent-wide network of caves and caverns littered with modern and ancient dead. Animals on the cusp of death are called to the abyss so that their death can fuel new life. The shared grave of billions will always welcome those awaiting the end.

The Beckoning Depths

The nature of the Putrid Depths is a mysterious phenomenon that has only solely been found in Stelwen. The cave network spans the entire continent and has many entrances on the surface, the largest of which is the Graven Trail in western Utek. The most common sight of the depths is the decaying carcasses of animals that perished within the caves. It is commonly believed that these animals either voluntarily choose to die within the depths or are called into the deep dark by something within.   The strangeness of the Putrid Depths only increases when one begins examining the fossilized bones scattered across the caverns. While a thorough excavation of these fossils has yet to be done, explorers have found the bones of unknown species believed to have been alive during the Primeval Era. Among these fossils are the bones of ancient titans, colossal creatures that lived during the Primeval Era. Many explorers come to the Putrid Depths to harvest the Titan Bone, as it is commonly used in various   Peculiarly, some have found fossils of what are believed to have been sea-dwelling creatures unusually far inland. Stranger still is the sheer density of the fossils uncovered in the depths. Many of the dug-up bones are grouped in masses speculated to contain thousands, if not more, of individual animals that have all died together. Some have theorized that the massive amount of fossils may indicate a mass extinction event had taken place in Stelwen. What could've caused the mass death of so many animals at once remains unknown.   Another facet of the speculated mass extinction event in Stelwen is the continent's fertility. The soil in Stelwen is teeming with nutrients that have allowed plant life to grow in abundance. This phenomenon is continent-wide in the same way the Putrid Depths are, leading some to believe that the immense number of dead animals packed into the earth is the cause of it. If one were to expand upon this idea further, it might indicate that the Putrid Depths is a part of a natural cycle of death and rebirth. Old and dying animals are drawn to the depths so that their bodies may supply the soil with new nutrients so that it may bloom into new life. Further research is required on the topic.

Ecology of the Depths

Some animals found above ground live within the Putrid Depths. The most fitting example is Lichspiders, a deadly species of giant spiders who can use magic, including the powers of necromancy, to protect their nests. A sub-species of the infamous Aranmorta known as the Pale Aranmorta has been spotted hunting the scavengers of the depths on many occasions, though the Ebony Aranmorta has also been encountered as well.   The death-laden caverns of the Putrid Depths are home to many cave-dwelling creatures never seen above ground. The most well-known resident of the depths is the Kurronjor, a large lizard that feeds off the recently deceased corpses. These lizards roam in groups averaging four to seven individuals and have been reported to be incredibly aggressive towards other animals. Another commonly seen animal is Garranks, or Corpse Stench Wetas as they are commonly referred to as, as a species of Weta around the length of a human's arm. Like most animals in the Putrid Depths, they feed off the rotting corpses of animals who've made the caverns their final resting place.   Other animals have been discovered living within the Putrid Depths, but little is known about them. An example is the Serrankr, a blind drake that feeds on rotting corpses and other denizens of the depths. Some explorers claim to have seen an unidentified species of a giant spider that lays its webs in the pitch-black depths to catch wandering prey like the Burronjor. Another unidentified creature spotted within the depths was a strangely passive insectoid creature that covered itself in rotting flesh, seemingly as a method to either camouflage itself to possibly as an intimidation tool.   With no sunlight ever reaching these dark depths, it is no surprise that no plant life can be found. In its place are many strange mushrooms and other fungi that flourish in the death-filled caverns. The most commonly found mushroom is called Corpse Plume, which many alchemists are willing to pay highly for samples. A less common but no less significant fungus found in the Putrid Depths is Marrowspawn, a glowing fungus found on bones that digs into bones to feed on the marrow inside and acts as the only natural light source within the depths.

The Lord of the Putrid Depths

The strangest denizen of the depths has cemented himself within the folktales of the Roctane as the "Lord of the Depths" or by his actual name, Subtaro. Countless explorers have eyewitness accounts of a massive beast with glowing yellow eyes and pale scales that watch them from a distance. Encounters with the massive creature always end one of two ways: by him keeping his distance and simply watching them or by letting out a deafening roar that sounded like a powerful blast of wind. In none of these accounts is Subtaro described as hostile to those who venture into his domain, but most are unwilling to meet face to face with the massive creature.   Only one written account describes Subtaro's physical appearance, which describes him as a creature with pale scales, two forelimbs for mobility, a long tail, a short snout, two large front-facing eyes that glow, and two cape-like coverings on his back. With these descriptions, many speculate that Subtaro is potentially a dragon of some form though his exact nature is up for debate. Some claim that Subtaro is a member of a species of Lesser Dragon due to the wide variety of locations he has encountered. Those who believe he is a Greater Dragon attribute reports of a deep voice talking to itself being heard within the depths to him.
Alternative Name(s)
Corpse Strewn Abyss, Subtaro's Domain
Cave System
Included Locations
Inhabiting Species


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