Yilik Festival

Every spring, around the time of the equinox, Tthe yilik plants are harvested. At that time, nine yilik shaŗīrauvi are loaded up with yilik fruit and pulled by pairs of baudain from their home in Ti'ilik Votoshī to each of the capitals of the Eastern Principalities, including Īyonī. When they arrive, they deliver the fruit to the residents a part of the annual Yilik Festival.   Leading up the the arrival of the Yilik fruit, people come from across the countries to their respective capitals for several days of parties, friendly competitions, music, and celebration. They remember how the yilik tree saved them long ago and how it continues to be a prize among their people.   When the yilik shaŗīruavi arrive, the wagon is surrounded by people, especially children, anxious to get their prizes. Many are opened immediately, but most families keep at least one for use during Yaunakī later in the year. The fruit is evenly distributed, one fruit for each, young, old, rich, poor. There are always enough (this is a celebration, after all) and none go away empty handed.   After the fruit is distributed, the celebration goes on for another day or two, and gradually winds down as people return to their homes, some walking days to get back to their normal life.


After the Day the Sands Opened, most Kaushan were short on supplies. The tribes gathered for a great meeting to work together to figure out what they should do.   In looking for food, one of the scouts entered an oasis that was nearby and found a stand of unusual trees, with fruit clinging close to the trunks, from a few feet off the ground to near the top, nearly fifty feet up. Seeing a local animal pulling out a large dark seed from within the fruit and scurrying away with it, he tried the same, despite the flesh having a strong odor. The seed inside was delicious and he proclaimed "Yilik!" the Kaushan word for candy.   He took what he could to the gathered tribes. They quickly took teams to the oasis to harvest the fruit. The fuit sustained them for the duration of the meeting.   One of the resolutions to come from the meeting of the tribes was to name the oasis Ti'ilik Votoshī (Oasis with the Candy) and agree to meet again the following year to celebrate being saved by the Yilik tree.   This celebration continues to this day, although the oasis now has a small settlement within so that the Kaushan can cultivate and maintain the Yilik trees.

Cover image: Scotland Cliffs by Frank Winkler


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