Drin Zhathei

Drin Zhathei (a.k.a. Drin the Faithful)

Drin was the key once again today. She was able to retrieve the juice of several draylyn berries. She mixed some with lemon juice and a bit of rum and fed it to me, probably saving my life. Then she mixed the rest with salt and powdered kalyc seeds, and carefully wrapped the congealed mixture in several large leaves. When I was able to walk, she lobbed them at our hunters. The explosions distracted them long enough to allow us to escape.  Journals of Asprun, Book 8, Page 99
  Drin Zhathei, better known as Drin the Faithful in the legends, was, for a time, the constant companion of Asprun, the wanderer of legend. She saved his life (and he hers) uncounted times in their journeys. Many believe it was she that ensured the preservation of Asprun's Journals.   Although Drin occurs in serveral volumes of the Journals, she is rarely mentioned in the legends. There are some scholars who believe that it is her adventures that are recorded in the Journals, not Asprun's, at least in part. They believe she used Asprun's name to help further the legend and ensure that history was preserved. Part of the evidence supporting this is the fact that Drin lived a much longer life than Asprun. She was older when they first met, having been born at the end of the Third Age, and she lived much further into the Fourth Age than he.   Ironically, although the legends speak mostly of Asprun, much more is known about the real Drin than about the real Asprun. Since she survived to a later date, there are written governmental records of her preserved at King's University, as well as portraits done while she was alive.


Contacts & Relations

Drin was a frequent companion of Asprun the Wanderer. She is frequently credited with providing aid, often crucial, to Asprun in his journals.   It is rumored that Drin worked alongside the Scions at the Threrdsul facility prior to the Great Plague, surviving in a different section of the massive structure. Several meetings with Geren are recorded in the Journals. The two seem to know each other quite well. Perhaps they worked together prior to the Great Plague.

Social Aptitude

Drin was always quiet and studious. While she dreamed of adventure and longed to be outgoing, she was never, in her hundreds of years, able to achieve that particular dream. However, after the Great Plague, she was able to embrace adventure, especially after she met Asprun.


Drin Zhathei

Friend (Vital)

Towards Asprun




Friend (Vital)

Towards Drin Zhathei




Drin and Asprun met soon after Asprun started on his adventuring career. Due to her youthful apperance, he thought of Drin as a younger sister. It wasn't until they had known each other for several years that Asprun learned that Drin was 360 years his elder.   They journeyed together for more than a decade before going their separate ways. But they frequently found occasion to spend time together over the remaining decades of Asprun's life. Usually when Asprun had got himself into another jam.

Relationship Reasoning

Drin found in Asprun a fellow lover of adventure and the charismatic, boisterous scamp she could never be. He found in her a faithful and highly skilled companion. In their years of travels together they came to see each other much as siblings would. Asprun saw Drin as a younger sister to protect, even after he learned how much older she was. Drin saw Asprun as a carefree little brother who needed her guidance and wisdom.

Drin Zhathei

Friend (Important)

Towards Geren




Friend (Important)

Towards Drin Zhathei




Drin and Geren met at Threrdsul, where they were both botanical bioengineers. They quickly formed a lasting friendship which was on the verge of blossoming into a romantic relationship when the Great Plague struck. They were separated and never had the chance to allow that aspect of their relationship to grow.

14300 15144 844 years old
Auburn, cut short

Cover image: Scotland Cliffs by Frank Winkler


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