Fayng Kuan Character in Biethal | World Anvil

Fayng Kuan

Pirate Prince Fayng Kuan (a.k.a. Madame Kuan)

Fayng Kuan, known by all as Madame Kuan is one of the Pirate Princes of the Black Sails Brethren, and she is the commander of the Yellow Banner Fleet. She has a fierce reputation, known for an extreme intolerance for any kind of disobedience in her ranks. She is also known to be a Vampire, and the sight of her colors is enough to make the toughest merchant crew to surrender their goods. Many of her top lieutenants are undead as well or necromancers.   Madame Kuan is not from any of the lands around the Traxan Bay, but instead hails from the old land of Yvx far to the north. Her life before coming to the bay is unknown, but she arrived as captain of a pirate ship and quickly took control over a few other pirate crews to create a grand fleet. She was one of the early members of the Black Sails.
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