Elanvi Organization in Biethal | World Anvil


The Kingdom of Elanvi is an ancient land in the far western reaches of the ocean. It is a place of magic and mystery, and very isolated from the three great powers of the east, despites its proximity to Kingdom of Erikadia. The people worship Wefyl.   The nation has close ties to Fey powers and the Dawnlands. Because of this it is home to many peoples who would not otherwise live on the material plane.   Elanvi is ruled by a mysterious figure known as The Dawn Prince, who keeps court in a magnificent palace on gold and glass on the western most island.


Elanvi is an extremely decentralized nation, with communities being free to rule themselves in their own ways. The only similarity between all of these communities is their subservience to the Dawn Prince.


The decentralized nature of the nation comes from a culture of the importance of the family and local community. The strong ties in each town allow them to be self sufficent although they usually have no trouble others around them. Outsides may think the culture to lazy or weak when in truth they are incredibly effecient which allows them plenty of time to pursue hobbies and interests outside of work. Scholarship and storytelling are highly venerated pursuits and many Cognizana from this nation have spent some time honing their skills in both.


Elanvi slowly formed over many eons, after a group of feyfolk from the Dawlands arrived on the western islands and built a city there. It is unknown if they were exiled or chose to leave, but these feyfolk were able to create a beautiful and lovely land that attracted new settlers from many other places, mostly Elves. It is thought that the majority of the population came from south-western coast of Ariankoz as they share many similiarities in language and culture.
Geopolitical, Magocracy
Alternative Names
The Faire Isles
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Gift economy
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members
Related Species