Vanaheim Geographic Location in Beyond Ragnarok | World Anvil



Upon Vanaheim all are treated as equals, and have an equal status to all the other races upon the world; even the Vanir themselves. Following Ragnarok, the Vanir decided that old prejudices should be laid to rest and opened up their world to all who would come there.
Nominally, the world is overseen by Njord and Nerthus, of the sea and of the land; however, neither wanted to rule like their Aesir cousins do. Instead the decisions of the realm were given to the people, whilst they retreated to the wilds to keep balance within earth and sea.   Vanaheim is now led by the Vana Council, with each race of this realm is represented; Human, Vanir, Jotunborn, and Alfar - by a total of 3 individuals each, making up a council of 12. One individual is elected to lead the council as the figurehead of the world. It is currently a Jotunborn who leads the Vana Council; a Canine named Sarga Uppamane. A new election is held every 10 years to appoint a council lead.
All four races of the realm live intermingled, and in harmony togther. It was not always so harmonious but time has made it so. There are mixed communities, with all working together for the common good. This has given rise to Hybrids between the three mortal races; Human, Alfar and Jotunborn, who are treated just the same as everyone else.   The world of Vanaheim is rich in woodland, and the Vanir and assorted races of Vanaheim use the natural world in the construction of their towns, using trees, mountains, rivers and valleys to make their habitation blend with the natural world as much as possible.
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Council Leader

Sarga Uppamane

The People of Vanaheim

Playable Races
Generic article | May 30, 2021

When they first came to Vanaheim, it’s fair to say that the Humans were somewhat disappointed. A verdant land bursting with life and vitality was the image they had all been raised on, but now it was ashen as the newly formed Volcano spewed.

The thing about Humans, of course, is that they can make a home wherever they find themselves and the knowledge of caring for land lives within their bones. With the help of the remaining Vanir, they dispersed far and wide over Vanaheim, going where the earth was in the most need of help and nursing it back to health.

They also created the concept of an “economy” which had previously been somewhat unknown to the Vanir, although this is mainly accomplished through the trading of goods, promises and favours, not in any particular currency.

In current times, Humans are still spread all over Vanaheim and there are very few Human-only settlements. Instead, sprawling, Human-founded towns and cities welcome all who would stay there – in true Vanaheim spirit. Interracial relationships, marriages and offspring are becoming more commonplace, even celebrated as evidence of a truly equal and integrated culture.

Life on Vanaheim for humans is of one connected to the land; where what you can bring home is what you live by, rather than relying on trade for their living. Most humans find it a freeing life, but some find the lack of war or ability to conflict hampering.

Humans are jacks of all trades, but are most often skilled in farming and bushcraft. As the great homemakers, they also began the practice of Hearthkeeping, slowly drawing the other races of Vanaheim into the tradition as well.

Generic article | Jul 1, 2021

The Jotunborn who made it to Vanaheim were the lucky ones. Upon Vanaheim they are treated as equals the same as all others. The Vanir, following Ragnarok decided that old prejudices should be laid to rest, and trusted the Jotun Born to be as they say they were; not allied with Hel and her forces. They, like everyone else here, can be what they want to be.

The Jotunborn formed into three tribes, based on their subspecies; one for the Canines, one for the Reptilians and one for the Trollan.

The Eldfjall - Reptilian Tribe of Vanaheim

The Eldfjall are the largest tribe of jotunborn with the blood of Jormungandr on Vanaheim. Their people preferring the warmer climate, they made their home near Stroya, close to the volcano that never sleeps, building their houses over the hot springs out of basalt, carved from the base of the volcano. Led by Signe Forktongue and the other elders, the Eldfjall bask in the proximity of the endless fire, integrating it into their way of life, basing many of their traditions around it.

The Tikaani - Canine tribe of Vanaheim

It’s true when they say that the forests of Vanaheim have eyes. They belong to the Tikaani tribe, one of the largest packs of canine jotunborn on the homeworld. They are an amalgamation of different breeds that arrived from Midgard, their ancestry showing in the colour of their fur and their personalities. Although usually a nomadic tribe, due to their Alpha, Sarga Upamane, now sitting as leader on the Vana Council, a more permanent home was made at the base of a mountain range close to the capital, Broronar.

The Fjallblod - Trollan tribe of Vanaheim

For those of Trollan blood, the Fjallblod are the leading tribe on Vanaheim. After Ragnarok, their ancestors followed Skadi into the mountains, setting down their roots in Lofors, making their home in the rock, snow and ice. Their chieftain, Njal Blueveins, is as clever as he is thick skinned, the people of the tribe are no different.

Generic article | Jul 1, 2021

The The Lloss Alfar who made their homes on Vanaheim after Ragnarok were those who retained a love and loyalty for Frey, their King. After his death, his home and kin were the next best thing, and the Vanir welcomed them wholeheartedly.

It took some time, of course, to wean them off the idea that the Gods must be worshipped and be in charge of everything. The withdrawal of Njord and Nerthus, in particular, hit the Vanaheimer Alfar hard, as though they were losing their guiding lights once again. They were initially skeptical about the idea of a ruling council, and were concerned that trying to do anything by committee would lead to endless discussion and no action. Many still speak of the “council experiment” when disgruntled, but this is thankfully rare.

For a long time, they also displayed a preference towards Vanir council leaders, until the point where the Vanir collectively agreed that, while they would keep representatives on the council, they would not enter leadership contests. Being both long-lived and reduced in numbers, the Vanir believed their own leadership may quickly become stagnant – something not in the best interests of the people or the land.

In current times, the Vanaheimer Alfar are usually to be found integrated with other races and cultures in the cities, though there are a handful of Alfar-only settlements. While the Humans’ initial focus was on surviving, the Alfar taught them to thrive through beautiful craftsmanship and good food. Alfaran weavers and tailors in particular are some of the most sought after. The Alfar also brought skilled stonemasons and carpenters with them, who quickly dove into the challenge of making beautiful dwellings that still blended well into the natural landscape of Vanaheim.

Alfar also make incredibly skilled hunters, and it was they that founded The Hunters.

Religion on Vanaheim

Religion based on Deity worship is not common upon Vanaheim. The Vanir are respected for their power, but with the equality laws in place they are no longer worshipped in the manner they were before Ragnarok. The religious practices of the Lloss Alfar who came from Alfheim are the closest to that old ways of worship, as they came to Vanaheim originally to continue their worship of the Vanir in the absence of Frey, and the rise of Provenance on their home realm. Most inhabitants of Vanaheim instead revere the seasons of the world and the nature that surrounds them.

The Culture of Vanaheim

The natural world is everything on Vanaheim, and is reflected in their culture and codes. The following are aspects of life on Vanaheim that are special to its inhabitants.

The Seasons of Vanaheim

There is a time for everything on Vanaheim! Natures life cycles; that which affects the land, are echoed that of actions of its people. Not only our everyday lives follow this cycle, but also how the society works; though these may not fluently rotate like the seasons do. The time of year matters to those on Vana, and influences their mentalities through life.

The Planting

The time of planting sees the light break away the dark of winter, where the people and the land begin a new chapter in their lives. The bleat of newborn lambs heralds the change, as new shoots and spring flowers wake from their slumber to breathe life back into the land. On a symbolic level, it is the time of new beginnings, to forge new bonds and breathe new life into the old. Negotiation is key should you wish to spread your influence over any matter, just as the farmer negotiates with the land as they rotate their fields to bring about the best yield and not strip the soil of its nutrients. Those born in the time of planting are said to be the ones that do best in the council, they are the negotiators and the innovators. Often being that breath of fresh air, with an optimistic outlook.

The Growth

The time of growth brings about the brightest days and the landscape is often painted with flora and fauna of every colour on the rainbow bridge. The land and the people flourish in this time and there is a feeling of tranquility only brought about by the summer breeze. On a symbolic level, it is the time where true balance is seen and when the peaceful environment lends itself to the people for a time to focus and meditate on tasks before them, tending to themselves and others like you would a flower, in order to see it flourish and grow. Those born in the time of growth are the creative and joyous souls that walk among the people, they ensure all is as it should be, caring for those around them, bound to the brightest light and the most fertile soil.

The Reaping

The time of reaping reflects the harvest, cutting down and collecting what they have grown, to clear the fields to make way for the new crop. The harvest is a hard task to complete, but reaps the reward if the yield is plentiful and brings about a time of celebration. On the symbolic level, it is a time for movement and action, whether that is simply to dance, move forward with an idea or to confront an issue head on with aggressive intent to solve it one way or another. Along with it being a time of merriment, the people of Vanaheim invoke this in a time of conflict, when negotiations have broken down and all that is left is the sword, it is the time to war. Those born in the time of reaping are some of the most passionate and fiery people in Vanaheim society, they are proactive and outgoing, often hotheaded with an affinity to the side of the warrior, but not always.

The Frost

The time of frost echoes the winter months, the people of Vanaheim seek to rest, shelter from the cold howling winds and reflect on the year that passed. It is the time where most things fall into slumber and wait for the right moment, while others die and nourish the earth beneath our feet. On a symbolic level, this time is used to signify a period of thought and reflection to the people of Vanaheim, where they wait to see things unfold. They hail thanks to their ancestors and those they have lost, it being a time for the dead to be remembered and family to be cherished. Those born in the time of frost are thought to be some of the most patient, often being the watchful eyes and the people of knowledge, yet still have the same chilling bite as winter when required.

The Hearthkeepers

With the diminishing of god-worship on Vanaheim, the love and veneration of the land itself rose to prominence amongst all peoples. “Hearthkeeper” was the name given to those who bound communities together through song and story, who could pass on names and deeds of their heroes and ensure their names lived on throughout the ages of the world. Hearthkeepers also cherish a particular connection to the land and the cycle, truly seeing how all things are connected.

It is a Hearthkeeper who can tell you the name belonging to the worn shrine in the forest and regale you with songs and stories of their deeds. A Hearthkeeper whose carefully nurtured connection to the land makes them the ideal arbiter of sacrifice, and who will tell you what and when you must give back. When the people wish a shrine to be raised, they will ask a Hearthkeeper to perform the ceremony with them, as a guarantee that it will always be respected and tended, even when those present are long dead. Thus, a Hearthkeeper will always stop to tend a shrine and speak the name upon it, or offer respect and veneration if there is no name. They are also often turned to as celebrants for momentous occasions – births, deaths, naming council leaders etc.

Usually, a Hearthkeeper will "bless" a hunting party before they leave, requesting that the land give good bounty and a thrilling chase. Upon their return, the Hearthkeepers will learn the deeds of the Hunters and regale the people of their victories, their kills and their losses, so that all may learn form the hunts past.

Some Hearthkeepers tend a physical hearth in the heart of their communities, their home a place to gather and eat and drink and sing. Others carry their hearth with them, wandering the land in search of new names and new deeds to spin into stories.

Players may be a Hearthkeeper, having travelled to Midgard from home

The Librarians

The Librarians are a group of Alfar dedicated to the protection and recording of Vanaheim's history. Occasionally, they can be spotted fervently interrogating a bemused Hearthkeeper, committing what was once only a oral story to ink and parchment. They keep their records in a rather jealously guarded library within Vanaheim's largest port city of Hestad

Players with an Alfar Character may play a Librarian

The Conclave

The Conclave of Vanaheim is a gathering of all the peoples at Ipsum. It happens once a year, and is a forum for all to speak. Laws can be challenged, and practices questioned. No judgement or alteration is made at the Conclave, but all views are taken down and discussed at a private meeting of the Vana Council members. This meeting can last a maximum of three days where by the verdicts of the discussions will be read out. This has made the Conclave a yearly party as well, with competition, music and drink.

The Hunters

While there are many who hunt on Vanaheim, The Hunters are a renowned group of the boldest and most skilled. They reveal in long days and nights of tracking and tracing, in becoming one with the land and matching their steps and their heartbeat to its rhythms. They live by and for the land and will protect it with their dying breath. There is no prey too great and no quarry too swift. The Hunters never miss their mark. On Vanaheim they work to protect and manage the land, providing advice to the council in such matters.

The Hunters priority is balance; they keep watch while the rest of Vanaheim catch prey for food ensuring nothing more that what is needed is taken as well as prowling the darker areas of Vanaheim in search of the predators, which if left unchecked would deplete the forests and waters leaving the people to starve. On top of this they are some of the only people to traverse into the fae forest, to push the more harmful creatures within away from paths and civilization. With the challenge of the hunt set by the land, or more specifically by Nerthus, they will either rise to meet it or fall in the attempt. Death is nothing to fear as it returns them to the land they love. They follow the teaching of The Huntress, a legend of Vanaheim and founder of the Hunters.

In the Vanaheim host, stories of The Hunters have become legend. There are those who wish to prove their worth and add their names to the stories told around campfires at dusk on the new land of Midgard.

players are able to play characters from this organisation

The Seers

The Seers are an elusive group of wise people who listen and watch and learn. It is rumoured that they have always have the use of magic, though not many believe this to be the actual truth. They call their practices Hearth Magic, a communal effort that performs the reading of omens and the act of divination. Together, they could read the future and look into the past or make sense of the unknown. This group exists both in fear and in reverence for lesser beings have long not been able to use magic. Their leader is an advisor to the Head of the Vana Council, though what is said between them is often not repeated to anyone else.

Players cannot play characters from this organisation

The Vana Code

The Vana Code was put into place by Njord and Nerthus before their retreat into the wilds. It is now the center of Vanaheim society, and governs all aspects of the views of its people. To break the code is the highest of crimes upon Vanaheim, and all who do not subscribe to the equality ethos are exciled from Vanaheim society.

Histories of Vanaheim

The following are prominent events, or timelines, in Vanaheim's history.

check back regularly, as more may be added

Rise of Equality.jpg

Map of Vanaheim


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