Tralya Settlement in Belthuran | World Anvil


Tralya is a small city on the border between the graze lands and the contested lands, while it is technically part of the graze lands it recieves more aid from Vanderhall than from Addersfield as Vanderhall relies on the merchant traffic that flows through Tralya.


Mostly the city is populated with humans, though there is a small number of half-elves and outcast dwarves. While not a common sight in the city a group of Catrin is known to inhabit the area around Tralya.


The Von Sildur family is the noble family that once owned the areas around Tralya and by that tradition, Morgan Von SIldur is the heir to those lands. In practice, though he allows a local mayor to run the city though he does take an active role in the defense of the city.


The city has a wooden wall around it but is also building onto a mesa with only one road traveling through it that leads up and down the mesa. While it is far from unassailable there is some advantage to the position of the city core. Gates and guard towers watch the surrounding area and prove useful to warn of dangers present on the road.

Industry & Trade

The city depends largely on the near-constant flow of merchants following the Free Pass coming from or going to Ursand or Vanderhall. While still a small city some entrepreneurs have begun to set up shop in Tralya to allow merchants a chance to acquire new merchandise while on the road.


The city has the common amenities that any merchant stop would have, inns and taverns, blacksmiths, cobblers, farriers, church services, and more. The city can mostly support itself due to local farming, hunting, foraging, and fishing efforts.

Guilds and Factions

Tralya is too small to have any offical guild presences, though several of the crafters are members of the Guild of Crafters.


With the exception of the Von Sildur estate the city is modestly constructed with the only road being cobblestone and the houses being largely a mix of stone, wood, and plaster on the more well-off houses. The Von Sildur estate is not at its prime though it clearly shows the grandeur of the past with impressive gothic architecture with motifs dedicated to the Dawn King on the highest spire. While far from the largest and most impressive noble mansion it is still an impressive sight in this small city. The estate also serves as a barracks for the local guard as it was once the citadel of a fort that Tralya is based around.


Tralya is centered on a mesa, while the town's farms extend outside the mesa the city and its various merchants and leadership is located on the mesa. Past that rolling hills and fertile lands extend as far as the eye can see only interuppted by small patches of trees.

Natural Resources

Grain, vegetables, meat animals, fish, wood, and hunting game.
Location under
Owning Organization


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