Mercy Wagons Vehicle in Belthuran | World Anvil

Mercy Wagons

During the month of Yanus, the celebration of the end of one year and the start of the next, there are a group of Rhyderian Knights from the different orders who come together. This gathering is to fund a large scale donation to the less fortunate of Rhyderia. To accomplish this goal they spend the year before gathering what they can to be donated mostly in the form of clothes, shoes, and other necessities. A small fleet of wagons is put in charge of members of the order though rarely the knights themselves, partly because they are required elsewhere and to keep them humble.   The wagons set upon the 'March of Mercy' as the tradition has been dubbed. They go to the towns and cities of Rhyderia to deliver the supplies while also picking up what supplies can be donated to the cause along the way. The wagons are covered in bells and garlands of silver designed to mark them as members of the March of Mercy and always pulled by a Rhyderian Friesian as a method of verifying that they are part of the order's efforts   The long-standing tradition started with Knights who had taken a vow of poverty owning only their most basic tools needed to do what they do and donating everything else to alms for the poor. They decided to pool their efforts and provide for those in need in one large way each year rather than spread their efforts thinly. Since then the other Knightly Orders have added to their efforts and even help make sure the wagons reach where they are going, for while many people will understand a mercy wagon, a wyvern will see only a meal.   The tradition has shifted in the years after the Cataclysm which asks those who can part with something give to the wagons to pass on to the next stop. Most towns will have a collection before the Mercy Wagon arrives, in many cases it is foodstuffs, but small kegs of ale or wine, clothes, or even tools can be donated to the wagons passing through.
Created in tandem with Nisaras
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Give to others that which you can spare so none sufffer
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