Black Hair in Ayonerra | World Anvil

Black Hair

No Nine Skies bahhraym can dye hair black without Empress Keiko's permission. Breaking the law is a death sentence. Many view it as ridiculous. Yet, there’s a clear reasoning behind it.

To become the Nine Skies empress, a tsukaite must either defeat the previous monarch in a duel or prove herself worthier than her. Each empress has their own symbol, representing themselves and how they attained the throne.

 Keiko succeeded Empress Kulawai after defeating Black Grdzneuli Rabizu, who terrorised the Skies with his life-stealing blade. Unlike the usual bahhraym white, Rabizu’s hair was pitch-black. Once Keiko and her sister Saeko defeated the grdzneuli, the two presented his hair as proof of their triumph. Kulawai acknowledged their worth and stepped down from the throne, allowing Keiko to ascend.

Thus, the black hair became Empress Keiko’s symbol. Only the two sisters dye their hair completely black, while the Eight Hands of the Empress stain one-eighth. The First Hand colours the tips of her hair. As the number increases, the black dye gets closer to the roots.

The black has a more personal meaning to the sisters. Unknown to all, Rabizu was their father, whose only wish was to protect Keiko and Saeko. Yet, his link to the black star maddened Rabizu, and eventually, he couldn’t even recognise his daughters.

Thus, to Keiko and Saeko, black embodies their father’s love and sacrifice.

Cover image: by Nincho


Author's Notes

Entry for Chapter Secret Prompts!
"Describe a state/country law in your world perceived as weird or silly, and why it was legislated."

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Oct 29, 2023 21:32 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love this law and the story behind it. The different positions of the dye are really interesting.

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Oct 30, 2023 09:40

Thank you! At first I only wanting to draw the dye positions, got carried away and just made the Eight Hands themselves.