Tiefling Species in Avestra | World Anvil
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Oh, if you see one of those fiendfolk, what are they called... Tieflings! Don't stare at them. They got a bad history with people who stare doing far worse from them. They're just like you and me. Though with horns, tails, and colors that even Elves cock their heads at. Still, they're one of us, so if you see one and you're really curious, just get them a drink!
An Explorer's Guide to Edrinia: Tiefling section

Basic Information


Tieflings share traits with their mortal side, usually have the base appearance of an elf, human, or whatever bloodline they have. However, their Fiend heritage augments this appearance, sometimes changing the color of their skin, but also adding horns and/or a tail. Some even have wings, usually batlike in appearance. They also have resistance to fire whether magical or natural.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Tieflings have the ability to see in the dark in shades of grey. Additionally, they sometimes have the innate ability to cast certain spells.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

  • The Brandovian Empire: Tieflings who wish to rid the world of the worship of gods follow the path of the Brandovians. Some do this because people who followed these gods were the ones who branded them as Demons and fueled the persecution of their people. Others because they view their Fiendish heritage as another version of mortal divinity. Whatever the case, the Tieflings of Brandova are fiercely loyal to the cause whether for selfish or selfless reasonss.
  • The Haiakage Empire: For Tieflings to survive the hatred thrown at them for countless generations was nothing short of strength. And it is this strength that the Haiakage look for in them. These are Tieflings who do not care about how people view their species anymore, only their strength of will and their fervor to defy what people think of them. Whether soldiers or otherwise, a Tiefling of Haiakage is a strong one who after shouldering the burden of their heritage for so long, has cast it aside to rid the world of this prejudice and make people view them only through their strength of character.


As the Celestials and Elementals influenced the races that were shaped on Avestra, so too did the Fiends. While the Cosmic Barrier kept their physical forms out, it didn't stamp out their influence. At first, this allowed mages who were powerful enough to speak to the Devils and Demons. And they formed pacts with them or worshipped them, granting them blessings in return. However, these had consequences as the blood of those who did these things became Fiendish. And thus the Tieflings were born.
While the Aasimar and Genasi were treated harshly in their own way, that paled in comparison to Tieflings. They were scorned, persecuted and even killed for their appearances, believed to be omens of bad times. For many, that drove them deeper into the arms of the Fiends who would make use of them to aid their side in the Blood War. For others, it motivated them to change the views of people on Tieflings through good deeds, struggling to become heroes in their own rights.
When the Elders came and smashed the Fiends, the Tieflings who served them were left with no masters to call upon. They received the answer for why when the Elders destroyed the Cosmic Barrier and attacked Avestra. Alongside their celestial and elemental siblings, there were Tieflings who fought valiantly to their last breath, defending their homes and redeeming themselves in the eyes of those that once scorned them. There are legends of Tieflings who's valor was so great that it made them champions of Celestials, even purging the Fiendish heritage from their bloodline.
Whether those stories are true or not, the persecution of Tieflings almost died out with the onset of the Eternal Age. For some, this allowed them to finally have places to call home again and even be accepted by the populice, even if they still get suspicion sometimes. For others, it aggravated them and enraged them that it took all this blood for people to finally accept them. For those, some left Avestra to serve their Fiendish masters elsewhere while others summoned them to Avestra proper to grant them the vengeance they seek. For the Tieflings of Orelia, they were drawn into the ideologies of Brandovia and Haiakage.
The Tieflings are now split between their different factions, either living in peace amongst the other species of Avestra or following their own paths to glory or vengeance. There are tales of both Tiefling heroes and villains throughout the age and what path a Tiefling chooses to follow is up to anyone's guess. As they are not bound to their heritage just like the Aasimar and Genasi are not.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Tieflings get along best with Kalashtar, the newest Planartouched species to be viewed with suspicion and fear. When a Kalashtar is in peril, it is often a Tiefling who stands up for them. However, that is not to say they don't get along well with Aasimar and Genasi. The former sometimes causes stereotypical tension between the two because of their heritage in fables but in actuality, Aasimar treat Tieflings kindly and sympathize with them for the burden they had to bear. And while Genasi are strange compared to the others, Tieflings accept them, quirks and all, just as the Genasi accept Tieflings.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Same as parents


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