Giants Species in Avestra | World Anvil
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You are all children. You stand atop the bones of our great empire and think it is yours to have. You think you've earned the right to rule over the lands that were once ours. You are wrong. We Giants were the first, we were cut from the mountains when they were still young! You have no right, no right! And so we of the first blood will take back what is ours! From this day forth, all Giants shall war against the world until Avestra is ours once again!

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Giants at first stayed in isolated areas in Avestra after the fall of their empire. The northern regions of Alus and the islands of Ranzad and Sgand. However, they have spend to other sections of the two continents and even into the Underoads.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

  • The Empire of Yggdragun - An empire based in northern Alus. The Jovun Giants call this land their home and seek to dominate the other races, starting with the Orcs and Goliath tribes that will not bend the knee.
  • The Empire of Sgand- An empire based on the island of Sgand in Northern Edrinia. The Muspel Giants invade from this region, hoping to bring back their sun god and ascend with him.
  • The Duchy of Ranzad - An isolated kingdom located on the island of Ranzad. The Giants in this region seek to live in peace with the Goliaths and other groups that live here. They seek to avoid any bloodshed that the other Giant Empires are causing as they believe their empire's time is over.


The Giants came about while the The Blood War raged in the realms above. Tied to the elements of the nearby realms same as the Dragons, they grew into the distinct variations seen in present-Day Avestra. Across the two continents, the Giants were segmented into their own kingdoms, warring against each other similar to the future kingdoms would. However, their drive to fight each other was only superseded by their animosity with Dragons. That animosity was able to unite the Giants across the realm and through magic of both runes and leylines, they fought off their draconic adversaries.
And from that, a Giant empire was born. The kingdoms that stood together eventually nominated a High King to rule over their lands. And the ones that didn't flock to the High King's banner were quickly crushed and brought to heel. Until their fall, the Giants owned all lowlands that the Dragons didn't lay claim to. And they were content with their power. Until hubris got the better of them. Working with the Dragons, they created beings such as the Elder Dragons. Their empire was devastated and the Giants were hunted until they were forced into seclusion.
They stayed in isolation as the "child" races rose to prominence. Many of them had resentment for the old days of their great empire. It was not until the Elders came that they made this opinion public. The devastation the Mortalsallowed to happen was the last straw. The Giants thought these children had made them look bad in the eyes of both their gods and the Eternals alike. The Jovun Giants and the Muspel Giants took the charge, with the former creating an empire in northern Alus and the latter invading northern Edrinia. Fighting against Lunari and Orcs, they plan on nothing less than total conquest. And when these lands are theirs, these two groups of Giants will decide once and for all who will lead the Giant empire. And this time, the sun will never set on their empire.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Goliaths are seen as pale imitations of the Giants and the closest to being a true Giant. At best, they are compontent soldiers and civilians. At worst, they are another child race to enslave and keep under their rule.
The Dragons are the mortal enemies of the Giants. The two used to tolerate each other for their empires. Now they see each other as the problem. And the Giants will see their skulls mounted in their great halls after their kind is exterminated like the beasts they are. Along with the Elder dragons that continue to haunt them.
Genetic Descendants
Hill: 200 years
Frost: 250 years
Fire: 350 years
Cloud: 400 years
Storm: 600 years
Stone: 800 years
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities


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