War for Dyybbøl Military Conflict in Avendora | World Anvil

War for Dyybbøl

The war for Dyybbøl is the greatest battle history has ever seen. Trillions of soldiers have fought and died over 10,000 years of constant war. the planet was once lush and green and over the millenia has been turned into a muddy wasteland of ash and corpses. When the Kadar first invaded the world the war was over resources, but now it is just a pointless slugging match to the death... millions die daily for nothing more than pride.

The Conflict


Before the planet was invaded in 8172 EWR, it was a beautiful Gaia world covered in lush jungles and beautiful oceans. the planet was full of culture, money and resources. resources that were all too valuable to let go of. so the Kadar formed the largest fleet the galaxy had yet seen and decended upon the peaceful world with over 600 million ships.


at first the battlefields of Dyybbøl were mostly consisting of dense jungles or paradisical beaches and marshes. but this soon devolved into burned forest and muddy flats. now the entire planet is one rainy biome of flat mud fields and Marsh lands. additionally millions of miles of trenches and fortresses cover the once beautiful landscape


life on Dyybbøl is quite dreary and nihilistic. the following quote describes daily life on the front lines   "The metallic sound of rain on corrugated steel filled Tarov's ears. He couldn't sleep "not with that droning sound" he thought. Though he was glad that the artillery had ceased, he did miss the excitement, he was bored of just sitting in the mud, Suffering for a lost cause. Apparently this hell hole of a planet used to be beautiful once, or so he was told. He couldn't possibly imagine that this stinking Mud pit could ever have been "beautiful". The thought actually made him angry, though he couldn't pick why. "So... how long you been here?" He said to the corpse that sat opposite him as He chuckled slightly. He almost expected a response from the dead soldier. The young Walren had been killed not twenty minutes ago by a tiny bit of shrapnel that had managed to cut his brainstem. Tarov began to finally fall asleep when he was jolted by the familiar sound of heavy Ordinance streaking through the air. Tarov slammed his body into the Mud as did everyone else in the trench. Only to hear the deep booming of the shells exploding far off in the rear. Tarov, relieved, stood up and attempted to wipe the wet mud from his uniform, "if it could even be called a uniform anymore" he thought to himself. After a moment he snapped back to reality and questioned how long he'd been staring at the ground. He couldn't take this anymore, his soul was empty, he was exhausted, he'd watched all his friends die within his first week and now he was the last. He'd only been here a month and was considered a "veteran". Tarov slumped down in his dugout and laid his face into his hands and imagined his little girl back home, he imagined his old life and his wife. He tried to feel something but all his thoughts were interrupted by images of dead men and burned out vehicles. Tarov looked back up at the corpse across from him and thought that they probably looked pretty similar. He looked back down at his dirty hands saw the face of the Kadar soldier that he'd strangled the previous morning. He sighed, then pulled out his side arm and put a round through his chin. His fellow soldiers casually walked over to examine the gore covered dugout. It didnt affect them... this happened every day here... here in hell"
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
14/3/8172 EWR
Ending Date
  • Ongoing (10,029 years)
  • Location







    Capture Dyybbøl for its resources and the humiliation of the Kadar.






    Capture Dyybbøl for its resources and further push back the Walren empire






    To capture Dyybbøl for its resources give soldiers experience.


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