Ra’Ghül, the Toxic God Character in Avendora | World Anvil

Ra’Ghül, the Toxic God (Rah-gool)

The Toxic God Ra’Ghül

Ra’Ghül was once just another Ferellian man, living during the medieval era on Nynäävynyma as one of the first and most powerful Ferellian Void Weilders. He worked with his fellow Wielders to try and unlock the secrets of the Void. Many great advancements were made, before one day, on 9/2/1906 EWR, the collection of Wielders went to far. Somehow the soul of every Ferellian Void Wielder was drawn into one, all into the central point of Ra’Ghül himself. He was sucked into the Void then, where he remained for hundreds of years, absorbing pure Void energy as the souls of his fellow wielders were merged into his own. Before long Ra’Ghül‘s name was forgotten entirely, but they would soon be reminded when one day he emerged from the Void, his mind warped by the arcane forces residing within that place. If one were to tell a Ferellian that their god is insane or that he was once a mere mortal, it would likely earn you death regardless of these statement’s objective truth, for now Ra’Ghül leads the Sacred Ferellian Crusade on a quest to cover by every planet to be like his birthplace of Nynäävynyma; covered in a purifying blanket of toxic gasses.   Ra’Ghül no longer has a physical form in any traditional sense, instead composing himself of pure energy and slipping back and forth between the physical realm and the Void, though he does sometimes project an avatar on himself into battle. The people of the Sacred Ferellian Crusade see him as nothing less than an all knowing deity, his every word to be obeyed without question, never a whisper of doubt to be uttered in response to his fanatical teachings. Ra’Ghül himself, in his mind’s fragmented state, as seemingly begun to believe in his own divinity, bestowing upon himself his previously stated divine purpose.
Current Status
Current Location
Year of Birth
1983 EWR 3913 Years old
Current Residence
Glowing neon green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ethereal translucent green
Aligned Organization


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