Human Species in Avendora | World Anvil


The human race originated not on Sol III (Earth, as it’s inhabitants call it) as humans themselves believe, but in the center of the galaxy. Space travel was achieved and their civilization began to thrive, the human empire rapidly growing. But alas, their star began to die, leaking out dangerous radiation. In a panic, most humans began to flee in all directions in frantic search of a new habitable world, most eventually dying out from starvation or accident in the process. A select group chose to stay behind no matter the risk, eventually mutating to be able to survive vast amounts of radiation and turning mysteriously into black silhouette-like figures even as their sun imploded and became a black hole. This knew race is now known as the Voyds. A lucky few humans managed to make it to Sol III, where their level of technology quickly began unsustainable and they were regressed to the Stone Age in only a few generations. Soon, they forgot any other history, believing their origin was on their Earth and never suspecting an alternate origin many light years away.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

100 IQ
Genetic Descendants
79 years
Average Height
Average Weight
137 lbs
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations


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