EHLRHP Technology / Science in Avendora | World Anvil

EHLRHP (Electricity Heat and Laser Refractive Hexagonal Plate)

Electricity Heat and Laser Refractive Hexagonal Plates are used frequently and nearly exclusively by the Saurian Empire to protect their void ships. As the name suggested, EHLRHP armor is layered in hexagonal plates around usually the entire outter surface of military crafts as well as some other vessels. These plates absorb and disperse laser, heat, and electric attacks over the entire surface of a targeted ship, usually nullifying these types of attacks. If the EHLRHP grid is overwhelmed by an attack the area directly struck by said attack overloads and explodes outward, preventing damage to other surrounding plates. Because of this destruction leaving a hole in the defense of the ship, this type of armor is often layered in larger ships, the larger the ship the more layers it usually posses. Lastly, EHLRHP armor is often covered in a type of ceramic coating over its entire surface that protects from potentially compromising scratches or other damage from things such as smaller missiles such as from fighters as well as passive space debris.
Children Technologies


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