El Pebble, son of El Stone Character in Auxis | World Anvil
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El Pebble, son of El Stone

El Pebble, son of El Stone and grandson of El Rock, came from a line of hearty, strong men who for generations performed to and entertained masses of adoring passers by as they worked in a well-loved carnival troop who passed through towns and cities across northern Xedaris. Pebble was raised as a nomad, living in no one place for longer than two months, and his perception of the world was shaped by the vast cities, small rural towns, immense oceans and dazzling mountains which he travelled to with his family and people throughout his formative years. His extroverted and eccentric character was etched into the memories of all who came across him.   Following in his ancestral tradition, Pebble was trained from a young age to grow into a man of immense strength and constitution, proficient in countless feats of physical strength and martial skills. He grew into a fiercely competitive and unstoppable young man, though was a gentle giant among his large circus family. While his family was close to Pebble, he had many friends in the circus troop and the whole carnival was his family. That said, it had to be, as Pebble was used to those he loved coming and going in his life. He knew little of his aunts and uncles, and aged 5 his mother La Grinda fled left their circus without a trace, and had not returned home since.   His closest friends, those who he grew up with and trained with throughout his childhood, also were not destined to remain in his life. Two fellow prodigies, Pablo Salvador, a bard and spellcaster, and Marcus Nerido, a fellow Luchador, grew up alongside the young Pebble, and were two major influences on his life. His friend's acts both interested the boy, tearing him in two directions as he attempted to master both, but, following the strange and sudden disappearance of his friend Pablo at age 16, he turned back to focusing on his gladiator performances, keeping Pablo's instrument as a memory of his friend.   Marcus, on the other hand, stayed fiercely competitive to Pebble, becoming a significant friend and often foe in his performance and wider life. Such a rivalry boiled up when both men fell for a female spellcaster in the circus - Elenna Sunflower - at age 21, and vied for her attention in their combat performances. After Marcus was left humiliated before their mutual crush in an evening's performance by Pebble, the pair never spoke again, and Marcus never again showed his face on the circus stage.   Alone, lost, and looking for something to fulfil his life and set himself apart from his lineage to make his forefathers proud and bring something to sway the girl in his favour, Pebble began to explore the world alone, collecting coin and performing on the streets of towns and cities, competing in underground bars and taking security contracts, trying to find that one chance for an adventure that would change his life.   Searching for new adventure and the chance to uncover some mysteries and bring home riches from another land, he hopped on a boat and travelled north to the Kingdom of Edea, following wherever his destiny took him.  
El Pebble's History


Family and Friends

El Stone
La Grinda
Marcus Derido
Pablo Salvador  


The Hungry Yaks
Cirque De La Arcano


El Pebble


Nation of Origin:

Date of Birth:






Class and Level:
The Eris

Not Applicable

16th Lliiralis 1617


Human, Eris


Well built, tall and muscular. Dark skin and clean shaved head. Intimidating black eyes.


9th Barbarian


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