Xedaris Geographic Location in Auxis | World Anvil
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Xedaris is the southern continent of the super-continent Auxis, and lies between 35 and -10 degrees north latitude on Toril. Unlike on Edea, where the world of turmoil and a power vacuum threw the continent into a state of growing superpowers, there exists no major political community on Xedaris. Politics is brutal and power ebbs and flows between warlords, dynasties and republics. Most political power is not centralised, with most regions existing under a unified empire of various city states ruled by powerful families or individuals. Systems of trade, democracy and technology exist alongside slavery and conflict and the political climate is unpredictable and chaotic. Millennia old peoples and bloodlines exist to this day, mixing and developing alongside peoples who appeared on the prime material plane out of the Astral War.    The continent is mostly flat, with sprawling plains and prairies, vast forests and jungles on the wet monsoon-rich coastlines and scorching massive desserts. The continent is also host to a range of mountain ranges and elevated terrain, such as the sprawling Brambled Peaks or the dense mountains of Duin. The safety and fortifications of large mountain ranges such as these has led to the strongest, most stable empires and kingdoms of the southern regions owing their longevity to the geographical advantage, such as the Kingdom of Duin or the Ynmar Empire.   The wilderness of Xedaris is deadly, with dangerous ruins and secrets of ages long past scarring the continent. The untamed lands are wrought with beasts and monsters of magic and natural origin, terrorising travellers and settlements. As such, most settlements exist as highly defended city states and people rarely leave the settlements they are born in. Hunters and mercenaries of various forms do exist across the continent in order to root out nuisance monsters and defend merchants hauling resources between states.  

Nations of Xedaris 



  • Xedaris


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